Chapter 2

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I didn't get that far. Within a minute of running into the forest, I heard a gun loading and someone yelling 'FREEZE!' out of the darkness. It was a woman, dressed exactly like Gordon, but had dark skin. She had an AK-47 pointed at me, as she walked out of the bushes. "Nobody leaves Gauge HQ" she snaps. I raise my hands. She pokes me with her gun. "Let's go. Back to HQ" she says.

We walked over the mountain, were I see a building, on top of a mountain. It weird. The bottom was like flower pedals the size of 5 houses surrounding a shuttle-like glass skyscraper. The only reason I could see it was because of the lights around it. "Welcome, to the headquarters of the Gauge resistance group" Gordon says. We start walking towards it. The front doors open and soldiers run towards us. They ran to us and then followed us back to the building. The lobby looked like a hospital lobby. The soldiers ran off, leaving me, Grace and Gordon alone. "Follow me. We'll get you kids cleaned up" Gordon says. He starts walking, followed by Grace. I was about to follow, but I heard a beep as the doors of the lobby open. I spin around to the entrance, to see Mark walking in, followed by a girl with long black hair and dark skin. Gordon sighs. "Olivia, send that runaway to Jackson" Gordon says and continues walking. I hesitantly follow Grace and Gordon, down a stone corridor.

After a few minutes of walking through a maze of corridors and going up elevators, we reached a room. It was labelled as 'Asset Containment - A' in big red letters. Asset? "You are of great use to us. You people, are part of the original rebel group" Gordon says, opening the door and taking off his helmet, revealing his old face. He had a large Jose and a grey, white and black beard. Original rebel group? Whatever that meant. Behind the door was a room filled with bunk beds. "This'll be your home for the next few weeks" he says. Grace clears her throat. "What do you mean by original rebel group?" Grace asks. Gordon smiles. "You and everyone ever sent to all 4 Survival Districts-(It wasn't a surprise there were multiple Survival Districts)-were part of the Gauge, long before the Experiments began. You people wanted to prevent any natural disasters by creating a machine, but after a fight underground with GENS, that machine did quite the opposite...create natural disasters. Every month, a natural disaster occurs globally, known as Waves. Gauge was shut down, but we still exist, fighting GENS, as revenge. Make no mistake, it was all GENS fault, there's soldiers attacked" Gordon says, as me and Jason go and sit on our bunks. He then left, shutting the door behind him.

What the hell was going on?! I was taken to a new room, which looked like a medical ward. Probably because it was a medical ward. I was on the bed, with a few scientists and doctors leaning over me. "What the hell are you going to do to me?!" I scream. A doctor smiles. "Be thankful, as your memories are about to return after this surgery"

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