Chapter 3: Alex

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It's been 6 months since "the incident", and I still find myself in the same pathetic state I was before. I don't think I've gotten any stronger, but I've been learning everything I can. It's worthless if I can't put it into practice though.


I look over at the sound of Alex's voice as his face peaks through the curtains of the medical room. He looks at me and the rest of his tall and muscular body appears from behind the curtains, almost mockingly.

"So you're back here again, are ya?"

The curtains fall back into place behind him as he nods at the doctor who lets go of my arm he was examining. The doctor nods back and stands from his seat, walking over to the counter with Alex replacing his spot on the seat.

"I couldn't find you in the room or your usual training spot. Figured you'd be here. You really can't sit still, can ya? I've been telling you to stop pushing yourself so hard. You're not like the rest of these muscle-heads, so no need to compare. "

"...You don't have to keep watch over me."

My words sound monotone. I haven't been keeping track of how many times I've had to tell him now, but it's certainly more than 15 or 20. He crosses his arms and sits up straight, a stern look on his face.

"Yeah, I don't have to. And the captain doesn't expect me to either. But you were assigned to me, so you're my responsibility."

Then he's only caring for me out of his precious captain's orders. It'd be bad for them if the kid they rescued died somehow, huh. Tch. As if I'd die from a simple injury. If I just say the words he wants to hear, he'll leave me alone.

"...I'll try to keep out of trouble."

"And yet here you are again."

"I'm fine."

He grabs my left forearm by surprise, making me wince.

"This doesn't look "fine" to me. Doc, Imma borrow a brace."

The doctor behind him simply nods and continue his writing at the counter. Alex stands and crouches in front of a cabinet a few steps away. He comes and sits back down, extending his hand towards mine.

"Your arm."

I slowly extend it towards him. This time, his grabs it's gently, grabbing a spray bottle from a metallic rolling-drawer beside him and spraying it on the dark purple spot on my arm. That familiar smell of antiseptics. He places the brace under my arm and strap my arm it. It's comfortable. More so then when the doctor does it. But I don't give it much thought beyond that. If that's all he came here to do, I guess I can leave and go back to the training room to finish the rest of my routine. But before I can jump off the bed, Alex pushes back on my shoulders to prevent me from doing so.

"Wait. Why don't we...just talk for a sec."

...If I don't listen now, he might be more persistent. I sit still, staring at him.


He stares back at me, dumfounded.

"Was it that simple?" He chuckles to himself, "I should have tried so sooner. I guess I've forgotten that things can really be so simple sometimes."

He lets out a soft sigh, looking a bit more relaxed now.

"Listen...Henri. I...well, everyone in our group, really likes having you around, but we're all worried about you."

Worried? More like pities. I'm just an unfortunate orphan to them.

"Let's start with a rather simple question first. Why are you training?"

"To get stronger."

"And do what?"

"Save my friend."

"Your friend?"

I don't need to explain myself to anyone. I am grateful that they rescued me and are keeping me safe, as well as feeding and housing me, but this is a different matter.

"Why don't you just tell me what's on your mind? I'll help you in any way I can. I'll even help you get stronger, but just a little at a time. That way you'll avoid needless injuries."

"...I'll only be a bother."

"Who? You?" He smiles and chuckles again, "If only you would bother us a bit more, we'd be more than happy to give you our attention."

He has a bright sunny smile on his face, just like the one he wore when I first met him. It feels off in such a dull looking room.

"Look, no one think of you as a bother, Henri. It's okay to rely on us. We're a family here, even though we're not blood related."

Family huh? That word's only used as an excuse to chain people down. The way Alex seems to use the word is like some far off world to me. I've always hated it...But, honestly...I've always envied how nice the concept looked; People you can rely upon. He scoots a bit closer. His eyes are green. They're beautiful. Have I ever looked at anyone else's eyes?

"What do ya say?"

It would have been nice if he would have kept quiet a bit longer.

"We're a strange bunch, aren't we? We're pretty loud too, and we're all from different places, different circumstances, different families. I'm not saying to we should replace your real family, but..."

He's agitated. I can tell he's just saying whatever comes to mind. But it's been a while since someone's talked to me so sincerely. It doesn't feel like he's just spewing information to impress or belittle me. He's talking directly to me.

"Would you like to be part of this family?"

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