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Hey y’all.  I don’t really have much to say.  It’s been snowing here and I was going to go to my Tae Kwon Do class but the roads were too bad.  It’s a shame for I love to learn how to kick butt… in appropriate situations that is.

I can’t believe how long this story is!  It’s pushing thirty chapters!  By far the longest story I will have written.  Anyway, I hope y’all are enjoying the story so far!

Quote of the Chapter:

“A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.”

~Winston Churchill



December 11, 2010


I was heading to the briefing room after receiving sudden orders to report to the there.  Naturally, I was the last one to arrive.  I quickly took my seat next to Genette.  Pops nodded to me along with Andersen before the briefer came in.  He started informing us immediately.

“We’re carrying out a reconnaissance mission in order to obtain photographs of the enemy complex.  After deciphering the code we received earlier, we learned that the mining facility in the forest area northwest of Belka is still active.  An early-warning radar network has been spread across the entire forest.  To reduce the probability of enemy detection, this mission will be carried out by a single aircraft.  Try to approach under complete electronic silence, evading radar and passive search techniques.  Flying at low altitude is an effective method of delaying or denying enemy detection.  You will receive instructions on your recon target from the Command Information Center upon arriving in the mission area.  The CIC will monitor you from a support camera.” –The computer showed the plane signal with my name below it-“Concentrate on slipping through the enemy radar net first.  Your plane in this mission will be completely stripped of weaponry.”

“Dammit…” I mumbled.  Nagase, Genette, Cassie, Grimm, and Snow heard me and snickered.

“Instead, it will be equipped with the necessary visual reconnaissance equipment.  There is a chance you may encounter the enemy, but your recon mission always takes top priority.  Once you take the photos, egress from the target area and return through the enemy defenses as directed.”

Operation: Silvereye

Location: Mt. Schirm

Date: 2010/12/10

Time: 1830 Hrs.

“I have a question,” I said raising my hand.

“Yes, Blaze?” Pops asked.

“Why is my plane going to be stripped of all weaponry?”

“Because I don’t trust you with weapons alone against the enemies you want to kill the most,” Pops said bluntly with a smirk.

Looking sheepish, I said, “You know me too well…”

Everyone got up and went to the hangars.  I let Nagase, Grimm, and Snow choose what airplanes they wanted.  They were going to be waiting for me in the west when I made my escape once I took the pictures. 

Meanwhile, I chose the Hawk, which was the training jet that we had used to escape from Sand Island.  Painted black, it looked like a little ninja plane.  Yes, I just called it a ninja plane.  And yes, I know I’ve probably gone mentally insane…

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