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Hey y’all!  Just for everyone’s information, I have turned into a complete Star Wars geek.  I bought a shirt that says “I <3 Star Wars.” So, expect some Star Wars references in this chapter.

Also, if you want to know a great anger management technique, here’s what you need: 1 pair of garden clippers and a forest of trees with dead limbs.  Here’s what you do: You whack those dead branches with those clippers as hard you can.  I tried it because I’m mitigating my backyard because I don’t want my home state to be the U.S.’s torch again and it’s really fun to whack off branches.  One was three feet long, no joke.

So, now that y’all have probably decided I’m psychotic (I’m not denying it) and that I have anger issues (I actually don’t have them), read the story.

Quote of the Chapter:

"We have women in the military, but they don't put us in the front lines. They don't know if we can fight, if we can kill. I think we can. All the general has to do is walk over to the women and say, 'You see the enemy over there? They say you look fat in those uniforms.'"

~Elayne Boosler




Blaze was standing behind Geller, braced up against his chair while Genette and I stood on his left.  Grimm, Cassie, and Snow were peering over us while Pops and Andersen were on Geller’s right.  He was showing us the Gray Men’s plans that had been on the disc.  It had all the details of the Strategic Orbital Linear Gun, or simply called the SOLG.  I knew a little bit about the history of it.  I knew it was Osean made, that the project had been abandoned following the ending of the Belkan War, and that it was classified as an Attack Satellite that had never been fully completed.  Well, from the looks of it, Belka, or more specifically the Gray Men, had secretly completed the SOLG and had put a massive weapon on it.  Geller called it the V-2.  He explained its workings but there were so many big terms he used that the only part I understood was if the V-2 was launched, there was going to be pandemonium and lots and lots of death.  Also, because of its orbit something or other, it allows the SOLG to strike anywhere.

“So when do we attack it?” Blaze inquired, looking at Pops expectantly.

“Geller, you said there was a control panel?” Pops asked.

“Yes, sir.  It’s in Sudentor.  By the looks of all the plans on here, the control facility has two control panels and they are in a tunnel underneath the Waldreich Mountains.  It would take too long for someone to drive into the facility, destroy both of them, and come back out.  They don’t make any vehicles fast enough,” Geller informed grimly.

We fell silent.  What could we do?  Blaze murmured something but I couldn’t understand her.  Pops, however, did, and it seemed to shock him.

“What did you say?” Pops demanded; I think he asked the question just to make sure he heard her right.  What she said next was definitely not something I was expecting.  I thought maybe she knew of some missile that you could control and we could fly it through the tunnel and destroy the control system or something else really cool sounding.

“Fly,” Blaze repeated. “I can fly through it.”

We all stared at her in astonishment.

“What the hell are you thinking Blaze?” I said sharply.

“It’s suicide!” Cassie exclaimed.

“It’s an impetuous move, Captain,” Snow acknowledged.

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