no one will ever truly understand

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i really just dont care

i dont even want to stop

i can't be bothered to try

what is the point

Im just going to do it again

what is the point in living if there is nothing to live for?

no one understands-not really.

no one.. gets what its like.

to constantly have a pain eating away at you. i dont just get depressed once in a while,no its there all the literally feel sickened by who you are. to have so much self hatred you dont even want to be so sad.. that you cry yourself to sleep. to feel so fake from putting on a fake smile that one day you just had enough. because one day.. your going to be gone.and you know it.

And i understand Im a nuisance.

And i understand Im a burden

And i understand i dont let people in.

And i understand Im hard to talk to.

but you need to understand that when Im gone,And trust me the time will come, you will never see me again and your gonna wish you would have tried to talk,tried to understand. but you couldn't one will ever truly understand. because i will never let them.

is it still a joke now?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt