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Ran's POV:

"Then...murder?" As soon as those words left my mouth everyone's expression changed. Murder...can this be a murder?

"N-no...can't be a murder Ran. That's crazy." Melanie looked at me with pure horror evident in her eyes. Fuck. Shouldn't have brought it up.

"Uh...yeah! When did I say it is, I was just giving the options. Relax guys this is a suicide. Forget about what Sydney says; she delusional." I faked a laugh trying to get rid off the building tension between us.

"What do you mean by delusional!? You don't know her from when she used to wear diapers but I do!" Sydney narrowed her eyes at me.

"Oh baby believe me, I'm not even a least bit interested."

"No one asked for your opinion. It was a statement. Just keep that mouth of yours shut, then this world will be a peaceful place for me to live in." Sydney rolled her eyes.

"We live in an independent country and hope you know about 'freedom of speech'." I said doing the air quotes. "That means we can speak our minds without any fear of getting killed so you can't stop me. And you're free to go and live on planet dumb, none will stop you." I ended my short speech. Today I'm speaking too much...well this is what happens when you didn't get a good sleep.

"I don't understand your problem Ran. Why are you so irritated?" Sydney huffed.
"Well isn't it obvious? The thing is that you're just a bit more irritating than every other person on earth." I said those words though they weren't true. I just can't seem to control tongue. Am I going crazy? Nah. Just lack of sleep.

Ash glared at me as I spoke those words. "What can I do if she's so annoying?" I defended myself.

"And what can I do if whatever I do is annoying to her?" Sydney said pointing at me.

Ash face palmed, no wait she face tabled. Er...is there even a word like that in existence?
"What is it with you guys...?" Ash said hitting her head on the table again. Ouch.

"I don't know...I'm just a bit more annoyed with her today than other days." I shrugged.

"Then don't sit here with me Ran. If I'm annoying you so much then just leave." She said pointing at the entrance.

"Sure. I'll leave. At least I can do this much for your pleasure." I grabbed my bag and headed to the entrance not even caring that I didn't get to finish my food.

"Ran!? Rannn!! Wait- don't leave! SYDNEY!!!! RA- UGHHH!" I could hear Ash calling for me but I didn't pay attention. I needed sometime alone so I turned left and went down the corridor.

I sighed and and tied up my hair in a bun as I walked out of the cafeteria with no specific destination on mind. I had a little guilty feeling bubbling inside me. I should't have been so harsh with my friends. But everything was taking a toll on me. Yes, I was interested and willingly poked my nose in Ann's matter but still this was new to me...I can't swallow it all in one go.
I take out a mint from my bag and put it in my mouth as I headed for the library. Books always help my mood swings.
I was about to climb up the stairs when a familiar voice made me stop in my track. It was our principal, Mr Twist. I took a few steps backward and hid myself behind the wall and poked my head out a bit. Fortunately his back was facing me so he was unable to see me. By the way, why am I hiding? I don't know...'cause you're eavesdropping? My instinct told me. I shook my head and tried to concentrate on what he was saying on his phone.

"Yes officer. I'm not really fond of jokes. And as you know I'm the man who keeps his words; the money will reach you by the given time." Money? "No need to worry about her mother, I'm here to take care of her mother personally. You just worry about the work that you've been given. Remember, you're being paid more than you deserve." He paused for a moment and looked around to see if anyone was around or not. I quickly hid myself totally behind the wall. Don't wanna take any risk. When he was sure no one was around he spoke softly in the phone, "Nail this in your head officer. Close Ann Frost's suicide case that I had to file today morning. Make up a fake story of her disappearance from the city and I'll somehow get the signature from her mother. She doesn't seem to care much anyway. I won't allow such filthy things hamper my school's reputation. I can do anything to preserve the prestige of our school and am ready to pay any cost. Even if it means shutting out her identity as a student of this school." He paused for a moment listening to the man speak on the other end. "I can't do anything if history chooses to repeat itself. Tell me when the documents are ready." He ended the call and exhales deeply. He looks back to confirm that no one heard his secret conversation. When he didn't see anyone, he sighed and walked off in the direction of his office.
I also whipped on my heels and darted downstairs towards the cafeteria forgetting about my very recent cat fight with Sydney. What the fuck!? God no more shocks for today please!! And this principal, I swear is up for no good.
On my way I thought I should call Ash to confirm where she was. She needed to know this.

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