Chapter Two: Its Coming

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The sun crept its way into the bedroom. It bounced off the different objects on the walls before it made its way to the bed. Some one in the bed stirred before they sat up. They laid back down trying to go back to sleep when someone called for them. "Deliah, breakfast is ready!" Deliah, strenched then slowly got out of bed. She mummbled to herself as she made her way down the stairs. "Whats the point of waking me up early on September 1st? Its not like I go to Hogwarts or anything." 

There at the kitchen table sat the Malfoy's being served breakfast by there new house-elf, Poppy. Deliah joined them and looked at the Daily Prophet. Lucius looked at Deliah then smirked. "The time is coming up soon and you still have so much to learn before it does." Deliah nodded, took a sip of her juice then said "But when is it coming?" "At the end of the school year." Draco looked over at his father "Father didn't you say something big was goin to happen this year?"

Lucius nodded "The Tri-Wizard Tournament and in that final task is when he will rise again. Deliah you finally get to see your father after all these years." She nodded and continued eating her breakfast. Deliah didn't know much about her father only that he was a real powerful dark wizard and  that he found her when she was only a baby. 

The old grandfather clock chimed 10:30 am. "Draco, we better get you off to the train" said Narcissa. "Yes mother," he said. Draco said his good-bye's then him and his mother took the floo network to the trian station. Deliah was left alone at the table with Lucius, he looked at her like he had something he wanted to tell her, something important.

"Did you finish those assignments Narcissa gave you?" She shook her head "No, sir" "Then go and finish them!" he shouted. She nodded and made her way back to her room. Lucius leaned back in his chair and looked over to his right. There he saw a figure standing in the shadows. "Aren't you supposed to be at that bloody school?" The figure ignored his question and said one of his own "Did you tell her yet?"

Lucius, stood up with his cane and made his way towards the figure. "No I didn't, Severus." Severus Snape stepped out of the shadows so that now he was making direct eye contact with Lucius. "The Dark Lord will rise at the end of the Hogwarts school year, so I think its wise that Deliah should know that Potter is her brother and why he needs to be killed before it all happens." Lucius nodded " Your right and I will tell her when the time is right" "Make that time soon," said Snape, then he disapperated.

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