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I was walking to school alone, of course... I always walk alone... I have no friends from my primary school coming to killicomaine, they all went to cloungh... I hate it.....!!! When I was walking in through the gates there was two girls walking together they looked lost, how could they be lost? The school is gigantic it's right on front of them! Some people!? Suddenly out of the blue I heard heavy footsteps behind me I turned round but was blown away by 4 boys who pushed past me, I fell down!... I shouted aloud "accidentally" swearing! A very tall man with grey hair, a blue suit and tie, he had papers in his hand came up to me!I blush as he pulls me up, sadly I fell like I am too heavy for him to help me up though! #embarrassing! The bell rings, why now, curse you bell! The man says your coming with me young lady!

The man, which I was guessing was the vice principal, "hint hint", it says that on his door of his office! He calls me in, I step in closing the red door behind me he says "listen this is the first day of school and I know and understand that you have no idea what the rules are but I'm sure you know that in all schools there is a rule that ,
"No bad language!"
I allowed " I apologise quickly as I didn't want to get into too much trouble but I wish he listened to me when I told home about the 4 boys who pushed me, but it's all good I guess, and he lets me away with it! I'm late to registration, what to do it's going to awkward, I have to go though... Knocking on the door I walk in to a large group of people staring at me. I felt my cheeks blush! The teacher Mrs McCoulter , says you must be grace I nodded slightly as she directed me to my seat. She explained to the class how the school worked, a second bell rang and McCoulter said "time for your first class on you go".

A bell rang again the bell for home time I was so relieved as I was walking out of class I saw this girl that I sit beside in form class I didn't notice her in English though she must have got lost?She had black hair and looked really nice I didn't speak to her in form though it would have been like talking to  a complete stranger, I went over to her she said hi to me and I replied awkwardly,......
" hi are you lost I would gladly help you as I think I kinda no where I'm going!"
" that would be nice, btw my name Sarah, what's yours?"
" my name is grace and your name is so cool!"

It's been 4 months now into school now and I have made a new friend Emma we call ourselves ..... THE ERRIES, Emma is Strawberry, Sarah is Cherry and I am, Raspberry. It's near summer can't wait for the sun and my adventure back home to Thailand , that's where I come from originally, but for the last remaining weeks of school I study hard for my exams hopefully I will pass probably not!
I passed I got all high scores in my exams I am so relieved sadly Sarah got moved down I have never felt so empty in my life! What will I do without Sarah?

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