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Just back from school this is our last week in school so happy, although I'll miss Sarah and Emma so much! There's this boy called Jonathan which is in my class and Sarah and Emma ship me and him. I have to admit I do kinda fancy him but I wouldn't have the confidence to tell him, tbh I don't think many girls do!

Our ship name is gronny. Why Emma. Why Sarah. My life is so weird, but any way..... I was thinking about my mum lately and I feel like I was too hard on her no wait wait wait she was to hard on me! That's it, I don't know weather I should say sorry or leave it hoping she'll forgive me over time?


School today was awful today we have so much homework to do over the holidays we have
✏️geography=take a photo of us on holidays
✏️science=grow plants and make a diagram
✏️art=draw a picture of us on our holidays
✏️English= write a recount on our school holidays
✏️maths=a 4Pg booklet of angles, fractions, polygons and algebra!
✏️French and Spanish= learn vocabulary

Why school why do you have to be so annoying! I wish I could just say to the teachers sometimes, in case you didn't know we have a social life and I'm not spending every night and day and summer and Christmas etc. doing stupid homework!
Sarah and Emma just made a video and sent it to me of them singing because they heard about me and my mum and they felt sorry for me, it was so funny, I laughed so much I cried, I cried so much I peed! Lol! Omg that's so embarrassing to say out loud....
What if Sarah and Emma made a petition for me and Jonathan that would be weird and then everyone would know and I would have to go out with him, my mum and dad would flip, then Larissa would tell our auntie and uncles and granny and grandad!
#gronny #hate #Sarah #and #Emma

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