Part 9 - Scary Storms

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Ludwig was shocked by sudden realization. "I'm sorry!" He said, and pushed himself away from Feliciano. "Mein Gott, I'm sorry!" He blushed and laid down. Feliciano began to lay back, and said " I liked it.". Ludwig blinked a few times, and fell asleep. Feliciano, though, couldn't sleep. As thunder pounded through the window of the hotel, he cringed. Lighting illuminated the small bedroom, and with Ludwig asleep, Feliciano was afraid. He leapt under the covers, and hid by the Germans' large chest.

Thunder struck again, shaking the whole hotel altogether. Worried, the Italian turned the radio on softly. "Flood warning with this storm, Hanna." He heard crackling from the other side. " If you see or hear water coming, get to a high place. Do not try to drive through the water unless very necessary." He heard the bed creak behind him. "Feliciano," asked Ludwig. "What are you doing this late at night?" Lightning and thunder struck loudly, and Feliciano cringed. With a thought, Ludwig let out an "oh."

Feliciano waited and the radio went dead. Thunder boomed again, and the cracked open window shook loudly. The Italian felt the thunder, and leaped up onto his friend, pushing Ludwig back onto the bed. Feliciano grabbed fistfuls of cloth from the back of Ludwig's dark tank top. He cried into the Germans' chest, saying something like "make it stop" or " make it go away". Ludwig rubbed his friends' bare back awkwardly. "It's going to be fine." He whispered. He nuzzled his face into the soft brown hair.

Feliciano cried still, though. He looked up at Ludwig, his face red and tears down his cherry cheeks. "C- can you sleep with me?" He asked. " Make me s-safe from the scary s-storm?" Ludwig smiled softly. "Of course I can." He said. Feliciano threw his arms around Ludwig's neck, and wrapped his legs around his waist. "Grazie." He whimpered, and kissed Ludwig's collarbone.

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