Part 21~ Talk a Little

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((Not making it smut guys...Sry to those of you who wanted some, but I do have some other stories that have smut... Thank You Guys, and let the reading commence!!))

Feliciano heard a loud creak of someone walking, and jumped, automatically forgetting his previous issue (making it happen to go away, what a coincidence!). He stopped and listened as the footsteps got louder as the became closer, he leaned forward to get out of bed, but felt something heavy against his leg. He turned around and saw Ludwig, arm on Feliciano, totally asleep. His blond hair had fallen onto his face slightly, and his eyes fluttered lightly when he moved. "Luddy always looks so mad and scary or distressed, but he's so calm when he sleeps." the brunette mumbled to himself. Ludwig pulled slightly, hoping to make Feliciano lay back down, but his hands got cold. He slipped both his hands under the covers. The Italian blushed heavily, and leaned down to wake up Ludwig. He shook his shoulders lightly, whispering into his ears gently, as the footsteps paused. "Mmmn," Ludwig mumbled, covering the light with his arms.

Feliciano scoot himself next to the other man, shaking him harder, a smile on his face. "C'mon!" he whispered. The blond propped up an arm, the other reaching up, pulling the smaller man onto his lap. He reached his head up, and planted a kiss on Feliciano's lips. The brunette's cheeks turned deep red, and he didn't even realize it as he leaned down to kiss Ludwig. His eyes slowly closed as he moved, and pressed his soft mouth against another. He felt Ludwig's hands grasp around his neck and back. He moved his thin, small hands against the blonde's face.

They both continued, slowly moving at different times, until Feliciano sat upon Ludwig's lap. Ludwig ran his fingers through soft, brown hair as he kissed, his breathing getting heavier. Feliciano's face had turned a deep shade, and he became very shy, although in his mind he wanted this to last as long as he could. He smiled against Ludwig's pale lips, reaching to grab Ludwig's neck, and wrapping his soft hands shakily around him. A noise in the background didn't even catch the Italian's attention any longer, but Ludwig noticed.

The silver-haired man walked in, mouth open, about to ask what Ludwig would like to eat for breakfast. "Ah-" he was cutoff. Feliciano didn't notice, and whimpered lightly wanting more kisses and hugs, before noticing the blonde's stare. He turned around, eyes widening. He didn't move off of the German's lap, but did situate himself to where he could see better. "I-" the Prussian stammered awkwardly. "Nevermind, sorry..." he blushed, and walked quickly out if the door, closing it behind him. The sudden awkwardness set in, and Feliciano didn't even think for a moment, but just paused and stared at the empty doorway. He turned around, cheeks red, before being pushed over onto his back. Ludwig towered over him, nuzzling into Feliciano's neck, whispering into his ear, before kissing him lightly on the cheek and sitting up. "Sorry, about that." Ludwig said, looking at Feliciano.

The Italian smiled brightly. "It's okay!". His cheeks were still a deep shade, and in the back of his mind, he really did want more hugs. He wanted more kisses. More of Luddy's deep voice resonating into his ears into his head.

They both walked downstairs, still in pajamas, and saw Gilbert at the table. They, all three of them, quickly exchanged apologies, and sat down. "Coffee?" Ludwig asked Feliciano before he sat. The brunette nodded, and smiled as a warm cup was handed to him. Gilbert already had a cup, and sipped on it quietly as he read the newspaper. A silence fell into place, the only noise being a wind-chime being blown. Ludwig was looking straight out of the window, at the scenery. Sunlight glimmered all over the kitchen, landing on the counter, and bouncing off of a few appliances like the stove top. After a few minutes of glancing out the window at the warm sunlight, he turned to his right, and Feliciano was practically jumping in his seat.

"Are you alright?" he asked, an eyebrow raised. Feliciano quickly looked up, hands on the base of the chair, and giggled. He kicked his feet back and forth under the table, and bobbed his head side to side as if listening to a song. Suddenly he stopped, and sat up in his chair. He looked into his already empty cup, and asked for another, with cream. He was obviously energetic from one, but Ludwig decided that he would crash eventually, so no harm. As he stood up to pour another glass, back turned, he heard Gilbert snickering.

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