Part 19~ Kawaii

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Feliciano's face grew red once more, but this time with happiness. He hadn't believed it would happen. His chest felt like it was about to break, and he giggled in happiness. Like a young child, he buried his face in his knees and squealed. "Hush, hush" Ludwig chuckled. Feliciano's smile was so large, it went from ear to ear, and he laughed to himself once more. In the midst of all the happiness,"How could you come to like somebody like me?" the German asked. Feliciano stopped, and began blurting out everything on his mind. "How could I not?" he said. "Your voice, your walk, your eyes, your hair, your figure, your simple gestures even! You!" he said aloud. He stood, and went on and on for almost ten minutes, as pure, utter happiness filled his veins. Ludwig smiled the whole time, not something he normally did.

As night went on, they talked. Just  small talk, nothing more, nothing less. At what felt like about 3:00 am, Feliciano was having trouble keeping his eyes open. His mind drifted off and his limbs went numb. As he slowly fell into a sleep state, he leaned his head on the Blond's shoulder, smiling. He slid down, putting his head on the pillow. Ludwig did the same, and smiled at the brunette who was already asleep.


Feliciano's eyes fluttered open as sunlight shone throught the window. He smiled and blushed at the same time, a slight remembrance of Ludwig. He sat up and yawned , quickly hopping up to see Ludwig. His bare feet patted on the floor, hair whooshing behind him. He stopped as soon as he nearly hit the wall, and turned to see Francis making breakfast. He made croissants for breakfast today, and it sure smelled good. Ludwig was sitting at the table reading the newspaper and drinking hot tea when he was 'ambushed' by an ecstatic Italian. Hopping into the chair next to him he read what Ludwig was. News about everyday things. Gasoline prices have gone up yet again, the government status, weather forecasting, etc. He hopped up, and grabbed the German by the shoulders happily, and nuzzled his cheek. "Ah!" he gasped. The blond was warm, and embarrassingly almost to the Italian, smelled good. He nuzzled his nose into the neat hair, giggling.

Ludwig reached up and ruffled the brunette's bed-head. The both laughed a little, before Feliciano spoke. "Are we gonna go home soon?" he asked, sitting on the German's lap. He sat facing him, and had managed to make it so the newspaper was behind him, although it was still in Ludwig's hands. "Up to you. Do you want to?" he nodded. "I miss the quiet, some." he replied. "Tonight, then?" They both talked some more, and finally decided to go back home.


"Ciao!" Feliciano waved as the neared the taxi to the airport. He ran and hugged all of his family. Starting with Romano and ending with Francis. The Frenchman whispered in his ear, "Good luck, if you need anything, you know where to find us." Ludwig equally gave his thanks, for the home, the food, a bed to sleep in, etc. They went in the cab, and silently sat as it drove away. A few moments later, merely seconds, Feliciano started talking. He blabbed, nonsense, but Ludwig couldn't help but listen, laughing and chuckling at some of the absurd comments that filed out of his mouth. "I think-" he was interrupted by a yawn. "We should-" he paused a second, eyes half shut in tiredness. He didn't finish, but tried to stay awake as the stars dotted the sky one by one. His breathing slowed as he drifted into sleep, leaning his head on Ludwig's shoulder.

The driver smiled, as he looked at them in the mirror. "Little brother, huh?" he asked in accented English. The German laughed. "Far from it." They both chuckled slightly. "You two sure don't look alike." he said. The drive to the air port wasn't far, and by the time they boarded the plane, Feliciano was totally exhausted. Not to mention groggy the whole way there through searching and ticket check. On the plane, they had seats next to each other. Feliciano complained about how there was no view outside because of the dark quietly before sleeping in the midst of a sentence. "I guess talking to strangers isn't a very bad thing, is it?" Ludwig murmured to himself.

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