The case of the pathetic and two lovebirds

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Stacy's POV

I was let out of the hospital. It didn't feel right..without a knife in my hand and the feeling of blood running down my wrist. But,I was told if I had suicidal thoughts then I was gonna be locked up. Ok. Maybe they didn't say that. They said if I had sucidal thoughts to talk it out with people. I simply told them if I had suicidal thoughts I wouldn't be standing right here would I be? They creeped the shit out of them. Jack said ot me he wouldn't leave my side and if he was going to it would mean he would only have to. But I was kicked out of my room because Mary was there and Zack's been couldn't fit two people. I moved to the couch. I felt like I needed to do somehting. But I was being sorry for my self. So I decided to get up and walk upstairs to find Alex. I found Aubrey sleeping. Poor girl. Haven't been sleeping in a while. I walked past Zack's room. Both sleeping. Then around the corner I found Alex.

"Hey Alex." I siad and sat next to him. He looked at me and said hey.

" How you feeling?" He asked me.

" Fine. It just hurts some places." I aswered back. I was tired. So was Alex.

" Why don't you go to bed?" He asked me while my head started to fall over on his shoulder. He sighed and let me lay on his shoulder.

"Thankyou." I said. He nodded. It was like 10:00 P.M. I competly fell asleep on Alex.

Maybe he picked me up? I didn't know. I felt the couch when they put me down. I woke up in the morning. We deiced to go to the mall for Christmas. Alex and I went togther. Jack and Aubrey went together.

" So what does Jack want?" I asked. I pulled out a shirt that said " Don't worry,I got this under controll" Alex smiled.

" How about this for Aubrey." It was a pair of short shorts that said " Can't touch this" We both bursted out laughing

Aubrey's POV

Jack wanted to buy Stacy a bright pink shirt thank looked as if it was about to make someone go blind. I laughed.

" No,how bout this." It was a neckalce that said Stacy on it.

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