Do you want me? Or do you want me dead. I'll go with the second one.

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Stacy's P.O.V.

I slammed the door in anger. They let it out it out a little bit. Driving to Starbucks was the awkwardest thing I ever done.

"Soo." Mat said driving. He didn;t trust me driving because the way I was gripping the steering wheel and that was glaring at the road.

" Watch it Flyzik" I said fast, I didn't want too talk about. He nodded and pulled into Starbuck. We got out and walked into the place. It smelled like fresh grounded beans and steam. I liked that smell. It kinda reminded me of Hawii.

" Yo,Stacy. What do you want?" Matt said sclapping infront my face, I have been in a daze alot these days.

" What? Oh nothing. I'm good." Matt lookeed at me like I was nuts. I sighed and gave him in the $30 and told him to keep the change. After waiting 15 minutes we left and went back to the car. We noticed someone folloing us all the way and into the driveway. We got out at the same time of the person. It was the girl that Jack was with when I found him.

" What do you want?" I asked walking towards her. I handed Matt the coffies and told him to go inside. He nodded and ran inside.

" Names  Jessica." She said and took out two pizza boxes.

" Noone told you?" She asked smirking.

" Told me what?" I asked confused. She rolled her eyes.

" We were dating,I broke up with him for someone else and he was using you to get me back" She said as it started raining.

" Your lying." I whispered.

" Why would I lie about that?" She whispered back.I felt a tear roll down my cheek. For a girl who was dating Jack and looked like a blonde bitch she told me the truth.

" He kissed me but i hit him off of me," I said closing my eyes.

" I know, he texted me." She said in a bitchy voice. I turned around and ran in the house and ran up to everybody still crying.

" Did you know." I asked everybody. They all sat up looking at me.

" Know what?" Alex asked confused.

" That he was using me to get back at her." I said still crying.

" No. Ofcourse we didn't." They all said.

" You btternot be lieing to me." I said closing my eyes.

" We would've told you that."Zack asnwered sympathecially. Jess walked in

" Told you." She said putting the boxs on the table. I walked into the kitchen to see him on the phone.

" I loved you." I muttered.

" I'll call you back." He said confused and hung up the phone,

" What?" He asked

" I was going to marry you. I trusted you!" I screamed.

" Who told you?!" He yelled back in surprise I found out.

" Who told me?! Jessica. Jessica your blonde bitch told me." I yelled back. She came running in and pushed him out of the way.

" No,you don't call me a bitch. Your the bitch." She said. Our faces were nearly touching. I growled and the next thing led to hair pulling and slapping.  I felt people trying to hold me back. I looked over to her. Jack was holding her back But she wasn't going to win against Jack. She backed  off and so did I. She fixed her hair and put her hands arounds Jack's neck and pulled him down to kiss her. He followed and that hurt so much it was like being hit in the chest. I broke free of the grasps and pushed past everyone and ran upstiars and locked the door and found a knife. To only hear people knocking on the door telling me to come out.

" Stacy!" One person yelled.

" Come out!" Another one screamed. But I was rying to loud to here any of them.

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