Chapter 5

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Who do you want Na Yeol to end up with? Sehun/Taehyung or maybe even Kyungsoo? Anyways enjoy the chapter

Na yeol's POV

I literally think that my head will explode if another peice of knowledge gets into my brain. I sighed in relief when I heard the lunch bell ring. I was packing my bag when suddenly someone cleared his throat "what?" I said whist packing my bag

"My name is Chanyeol and I was hoping if you'd like to join us for lunch since you're new and we can help you find frie-" I cut him off "sorry I already have plans. Hey taehyung wait up!" I sling my bag on my shoulder and hooked arms with taehyung and jimin.

They look at me and was about to protest "please help me" I whispered. They look each other and laughed awkwardly, skipping out of the classroom bringing me with them. I sighed "thank you so much you have no idea how much hatred I have for them." They smile and walk me to the cafeteria.

We sat at a table where the rest of their friends were, I sat in between jungkook and jimin. Taehyung sitting in front of me. I felt someone tap my shoulder, I glanced at the back and groaned. "You're gonna pay for what you did just now new girl." Hye mi 'threatened'

I swiftly grabbed jungkook's unopened can of soda and shook it quickly before standing and turning around to face hye mi "so let me pay you by giving you this can of soda" she rolled her eyes but still took it and walked away. I sat down and gave jungkook my soda.




Someone screeched, I snickered as the 7 boys laugh like asthmatic hyenas. During lunch me and the boys talk about each other, I now call jungkook, kookie cause he's cute af.

10 minutes before the bell rang, I excused myself to go to my locker. I walked quietly, whistling a random tune from the top of my head. I reached my locker and was getting out my math book when an ass closed my locker roughly. Luckily I managed to get my fingers out of the locker cause if I didn't I might get broken fingers on my first day back to school

I turned to my left to sehun standing there, fuming. I look at him "what"

"Who are you?" I smiled "I'm an old friend of yours. Yeah we go waaaayyy back. Damn you must be really dumb" I smirked and whistled walking away from him, walking to my next class.

Chanyeol's POV

seriously this new girl is weird. I mean she just rejected me for some dude with orange hair and that looks like baekhyun.throughout lunch I kept staring at her. How she stood up to hye mi, how she laughed with those bunch of weirdos. How her legs look so good in that skirt. I found myself smirking at her direction. I like her. I like my girls fiesty.

Na yeol's POV

The rest of the day was ok except that wierd tall kid with the big ears, he keeps smirking at my direction. It's annoying. The last bell of the day rang and the students rushed to pack their stuff and leave. I was packing my bag when someone left a note by my table and walked . I rolled my eyes when he turned around and winked at me. Tall people creep me out and with him having big ass ears, actually terrifies me. I decided to play with him. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked out, "hey" I look to my side to see taehyung, I smiled and opened the note.

' meet me outside school beautiful x -CY '

I closed my eyes when the memories came back, I shook my head and smirked. "Hey you ok?" Taehyung asked "I need you to follow my lead" he smirked when I told him the plan

I held the note in my hand as we walk out of the school, I quickly spotted chanyeol looking at me, smirking but quickly frowned when I hooked my arm with taehyung's. When we stop infront of him and his group, I smiled at him and glared at sehun.

I took out a lighter from my jacket's pocket and burned his note infront of his face. I dropped it, making them stare down at the now black ashes. I rehooked my arm with taehyung's and pulled him away. When we were walking, I caught him looking at me a few times.

We sat down at a nearby park and stared ahead. "Why did you come back? I mean you could've just stayed in america. Arent you hurt when you see them?" Taehyung asked. I sighed and nodded "then why?"

"Because I want sehun to see what he's missing out on. I want to make him fall for me and I'm gonna humiliate him. Just how he did to me." I said through my gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry." I frowned "why?"

"Because you had to go through all that alone. You're my friend now. Although we just known each other for like 7 hours, I feel like i've known you since forever." I smiled

"It's ok... don't call me as your friend. I'm your best friend. You have no other choice" he smiled and nudged me playfully.
"Then as your new best friend, I shall buy you your favourite thing in the world. Oreo hingsu" I grinned "YAS" I took his hand and dragged him to the nearest bungsu cafe.

We were happily eating bingsu when my mood got ruined. I look at the door to see the fucktard duo Sehun and chanyeol. I frowned making taehyung look behind and groan. I laugjed "hate them too?"

He pouted and nodded "they always act as if they are the king of the world, bitch please? No. I am." He said making me laugh loudly. Sehun and chanyeol's head turned to our direction but I didn't care.

Me and taehyung were laughing like hyenas until frozen milk came out my nose, that only made us laugh harder. "OH MY GOD ITS SO COLD AHAHAHAHAH" I said.

Taehyung grabbed a napkin and wiped it off me while laughing. We then stopped laughing and looked around to see everyone looking at us weirdly, we look at each other and laughed again. Taehyung grabbed my hand and drag me out, still laughing "let's go stupid" he said








Welp that's it. I still don't know whether chanyeol should 'like' her.. I'm like experimenting it in this chapter HAHAHAHAH!! Hope you enjoyed!! Love you xx

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