Chapter 14

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Sehun's POV

I glared at the wall infront of me when I saw taehyung and na yeol walk in happily, I look at her as she smiled at jay hoon and jungkook, suddenly jay semi-yelled "Yah oh sehun! If you keep glaring, you'll grow wrinkles!" I rolled my eyes and faced the front.

As soon as the last bell rang, I quickly packed my stuff and waited for na yeol outside class. She walked out and I quickly grabbed her wrist, dragging her away with me, suddenly someone else grabbed her wrist. I turned around and saw jay hoon. "Yah oh sehun, is that how you treat lady? Let go."
I smirked "what for? I have to talk to her" by this time everyone else has crowded around us.

"Well she obviously has nothing to say to you" I looked over to her and saw na yeol looking at taehyung. I snickered "so? She doesn't but I do" "do i have to humiliate you again oh sehun? You remembered middle school didn't you? don't make me do it again cause I will." I rolled my eyes

Suddenly her other wrist was snatched away by taehyung making me lose my grip. He pulled na yeol with him, dragging her out of the circle "yah kim taehyung!" He turmed around and gave me he scariest glare ever. "Yah oh fucking sehun. I warned you didn't I? I will give one last chance. Talk to her again, you'll be sorry. And you think I'd be scared of your little group of yours?" He snickered "the 12 of you are a bunch of disgusting bullies." He continued walking away with na yeol behind him.

I yelled in frustration and punched the locker beside me, jay hoon chuckled "wae? You lost your chance to redeem yourself. What you think she's gonna just run to you like a love sick puppy after everything you and your group of friends has done to her? You think I don't know who she really is? Fucking idiots" he said as he tucked his hands into his pockets and walked away with the rest of taehyung's friends.

"Yah sehun. Who is na yeol? Why did jay hoon say that?" Suddenly jay turned around "yah song hye mi, will you please shut the fuck up? You really piss me off with your presence. You're just the same as these things. Bullies. You are seriously messed up. I mean creating lies about na yeol and making her do punishments that you've done to her? Jinjja daebak. Everyone if you want to know, hye mi is a fucking liar who lied to her mother and the principal that hye mi bullied her. When she's the one bullying na yeol. Hye mi, you're seriously a bitch." He spat and walked away.

Everyone started whispering about hye mi, I yell and went to find na yeol. I pushed past everyone and looked for na yeol. I looked everywhere in school and I was about to look at the back of the school. I ran to the back and froze when I saw them. With their arms around each other as na yeol cried on taehyung's shoulder. I sighed and turned around, I felt like crying. I wanted to be there when she cried. I want to comfort her when she's down. I want to be her everything. I want to be the person that does everything with her. I want to be her other half, but I guess I lost my opportunity. I sighed and walked home with my head down.

Na yeol's POV

I followed taehyung quietly as he dragged me to the back of the school. Suddenly he stopped and faced me, "gwenchana?" I shook my head "are you angry?" I shook my head "are you hurt?" I shook my head "are you sad?" I shook my head.

"Are you crying?" I shook my head, "do you want to cry?" I nodded my head and burst crying. Immediately I was engulfed in a hug. "Just cry, its okay yeollie ah" I wrapped my arms around him and cried until I fell asleep in his arms.

Taehyung's POV

I held her as she cried in my arms. I didn't care that my shirt was wet, I didn't care that she was drooling on my shirt, I didn't care that my shirt was stained with mascara. All I cared is na yeol. After crying for so long she finally quietened down and fell asleep, I chuckled and carried her on my back.

As I walk home with her on my back, I smiled and said "you're asleep aren't you? You must be tired after all that. I swear I'm going to kill him. I can't believe he just dragged you away like that. Don't worry na yeol ah, we'll protect you. I... I liked you ever since we hung out at the cafe, eating bingsu for he first time. Remember when frozen milk came out your nose? Jinjja daebak. You weren't afraid to show me who you really are. You're funny kind and caring not to mention undeniably beautiful. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to protect you when you needed the most comfort that day. I'll protect you. I'll give you time. I'll give you everything you need. I'll give you my heart. And I'll fucking hurt oh sehun."

"Yah don't injure yourself taehyung ah, I don't want to see you in pain. You're like an adorable little bunny. My adorable little bunny. I'll give you my answer don't worry." My eyes widened "yah you weren't asleep?!" I said

"Aniyo? I was asleep until You woke me up" I chuckled and placed her on the ground "get some rest na yeol ah, we'll be picking you up tomorrow." I declared "we? Who's w-" I shushed her and walked away.

Jay Hoon's POV

I shut the door with a loud bang, startling my family inside. I rolled my eyes and walked up to my room, "Kang Jay Hoon. Come here" my father said harshly

I roll my eyes, he could insult me a billion times and I'd still won't give a shit. "Mwo? What do you want?"

He glare at me "don't you see we have a guest?!" He yelled, he motioned towards the people on the couch infront of him and mother.

"Meet Song Hye Mi and her mother. You'll be married to her soon" father smirked "arranged marriage?!" Hye Mi shouted, "I will never get married to this thing here. She's a fucking liar. Does your mother know the truth hye mi ah? Should I tell her?" She looked down and avoided my gaze

"Father you can do whatever you want but I will never ever be married to her." I spat "fine. Then get out. Get out of this house. You will never be called as my son any more" they gasped.

I smirked "final fucking ly. Bye" I went upstairs and packed my bags. Then I went back downstairs to see them still here " why are you guys still here? Go find somebody else to fuck with" "YAH KANG JAY HOON!" My father boomed "mian gundae who are You?" I smirked and left the house, hearing my mother's soft cries in the household.

Being a son to a rich business man sucks, but now where do I go.

After walking for so long, I knocked on her door, after 4 knocks, na yeol opened the door and her eyes widened "can you help me?"

She nodded and pulled me inside. She called her mom and dad down, "na yeol ah? Who's this?"

"He's my classmate" she answered "why is he here?" She stayed quiet than spoke up "I would like to know too..."

I sighed and told them what happened. Not just about tonight but about everything "omo! What kind of father would do such a thing! You may stay here for as long as you'd like! I will not let you go back to that house again! I will now treat you as my own son, i've always wanted a son after we've had na yeol but I can't anymore." Na yeol's mother said

I look at her then look at her dad, beggingly. He sighed and smiled "you may stay for as long as you want but on 2 conditions. Do not have feelings for my daughter and protect her cause you are now her older brother." I look at her and saw a grin on her face

I nod "thank you so much" na yeol smiled "c'mon I'll you your room! I HAVE A BROTHER WOOO" She yelled making us laugh.




Don't worry jay hoon isn't going to have feelings for her. From now on kang jay hoon will be her brother she never had :) nonetheless I hope you like the chapter! Love you bunches xx

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