A strange feeling

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Time skip to two years later, 6th grade
Haruka's POV:

'Riiinnngggg!' The bell rang, announcing school was over.

"Make sure you guys study for tomorrow's test!" Out teacher announced, gathering all her books and stacking them, evening them out.

"Hai!" We replied, our voices mixed with frustration (for the test) and joy (because school is over).

With that, teacher left the classroom and closed the door behind her. I packed up all my stuff in my backpack and headed for the door to go to Ai-kun's classroom. When I opened the door, I saw Ai-kun being swarmed by all the girls in his class and the boys looking at him. After a minute or so, he noticed me and I smiled when he looked in my direction. He nodded like he always does and soon, all the gaze was shifted towards me. Ai-kun was popular-maybe the most popular boy in school and I didn't deny it either. Good looks, politeness, gentleness, intelligence, he had everything that girls want from boys, and let's just say that I was lucky enough to be friends with him.

"Gomennasai (Sorry in a polite way), but I have to go now" I heard Ai-kun say to the girls around him with his usual emotionless expression on, never changing. Ever since kindergarten, we had kept it a secret that he was an android, but no one had suspected it yet.

"Ehhh?! Why? Don't go yet Ai-kun!" the girls whined, stopping him.

"Can't you tutor us for tomorrow's test?" a girl with a cute pigtail asked him and all the girls agreed.

"You can study on your own. According to my data, it's better to do it independently than having someone help you" Ai-kun said, looking a little annoyed. He was the type of person who was straightforward with lots of datas in his head to support his statements.

"So cool!" all of them echoed, eyes twinkling. I guess he is kind of cool too. He stood up to leave, but was stopped by the crowed.

"Can you just please help us with one question? One question, we promise" they pleaded. Ai-kun gave me an apologetic look, mouthing 'sorry'. I smiled and nodded. When I was about to turn around and leave, a small voice that I barely could hear called out to me.

"A-Ano, Nanami-san, was it?" The voice asked, and when I turned around I saw a boy who was a little taller than me was standing nervously, blushing and looking down, fidgeting his fingers.

"Hai?" I asked, smiling so that he could feel a little comfortable.

"C-C-Could you help me study for the test tomorrow? W-What I meant was; could you please tutor me?" He asked, blushing a lot more and readjusting his thick black squared glasses.

"Sure! I would love to-but what's your name?"

"My name is Yasahiro Yoshi, but some people call me Toshiro too. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu (please take care of me/looking forward to meeting you).

"Hmm... let's see, Yasahiro means calm and knowledgeable, Yoshi means silent or quiet, and Toshiro means intelligent one right? All of those names suit you!" I exclaimed, smiling wider. "Could I call you Yo-kun?"

"Okay... but why Yo?"

"Because Yo means honest and truthful, and I think you are honest and brave."

"Thanks, but I don't think I'm brave....." Yo-kun trailed off, looking down at the ground.

"No, you are. Even though Yo-kun is shy, Yo-kun asked me if I could help you right? I think people who are trying what they're afraid of are brave. And those people always get the best and most opportunities.. oh! Sorry. I might sound like I'm lecturing you" realizing, I stopped myself from saying anything more.

"I-Ia (no), not at all. Thank you Nanami-san" he smiled at me.

"H-Haruka is fine" blushing, I shifted my gaze onto the ground.

The only thing I didn't know that someone was watching the whole scene.

Ai's POV:

"Ai-kun, I don't get this~" One of the girls, according to my data Yoshiko Sora; the most popular girl in school said.

"What is it?" I asked her, never changing my stoic face. She showed me her textbook at page 48, pointing to question #14.

"So the first thing to do is to divide 18 on each side, multiply 8, and multiply the result itself 9 times" it was so simple yet they couldn't figure it out. From their behavior in class, there was 79% chance that they were texting while the teacher was going over these in class and 21% chance that they were listening. Yoshiko Sora is the cool popular girl; like always on trend, flirting with guys and bragging about getting a new haircut but not smart and quiet like Haruka.

"You are so smart Ai-chan!" The girls all exclaimed. I didn't really care about them addressing me as 'chan' and not 'kun', but it just felt so weird. Even though Haruka and I are very close and have been friends for years now, she hasn't called me 'chan' and always called me 'kun'. Thinking about her, I heard her voice close to the door. She was still here? And my hearing system also captured a guy's voice too. When I looked over, a strange feeling came upon me; Haruka was talking with Yasahiro Yoshi and he was blushing while she was smiling at him.

"Ne Ai-chan, what are you looking at?" I heard a different voice from Yoshiko Sora. According to my memory file, she is most likely to be Ren Nozomi.

"Nandemonai (nothing)" I replied coldly. "Are you guys done yet? You said that it was only one question, correct?" questioning them and packing up my stuff, I heard them whine but ignored them as I walked towards Haruka.

"Haruka, you were still here?" I asked her, looking at the two of them.

"Yes, and Yo-kun asked me to tutor him" she answered, gesturing her hand towards him.

"Yo-kun?" my voice sounded a little different then usual.

"Yes, she wanted to call me that so I agreed" Yosahiro Yoshi stated, blushing a little too red.

"Oh, okay" I replied.

"So Ai-kun, we were going to study at my house, so do you want to come and study with us? Maybe you could help me too" Haruka asked. I was about to reply with a no followed by a good, polite, and believable excuse but the last part held my voice in my throat.

"Okay," was my simple reply, looking at Yasahiro Yoshi.

"S-So, do you and Mikaze-san always study together?" He suddenly asked, looking nervous like he usually does.

"Well, we don't do it all the time but frequently. And we hang out with each other a lot" she answered him, looking at me.

"Oh, okay. Then shall we go?" The nervously fidgeting boy asked timidly, looking out the door.

"Mochiron (of course)!" Haruka answered him, smiling that dazzling smile of hers. And the strange feeling that hurt my chest came back when I saw them in front of me.

'What is this feeling?'

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