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Narrator's POV:

After Yasahiro left, Ai and Haruka stood in silence. 

"Uhh, Ai-kun, don't you have to go back?" Haruka asked, hoping to break the silence. 

"I have to make a call to my parents first," Ai replied while getting his cellphone out of his pocket and started pressing buttons. 

After a few seconds, someone picked up, and from the voice, it seemed to be Ai's mother. 

"Moshi moshi? Ai-chan?" She asked. 

"Mom, can you pick me up? I'm at Haruka's place for studying" Ai said calmly.

"Now? Umm, you see, I'm visiting your father's friend and we're a little far away, and this might take a long time.. so if it's okay, could you spend the night at Haruka's house?" His mother requested, her voice sounding apologetic.

"Chotto matte kudasai" Ai told her.

"Haruka, if it's okay, can I sleep at your house tonight?" The boy asked, looking at the girl.

"Sure! I would love to have you tonight, Ai-kun" Haruka answered, smiling cheerily. Ai smiled back a little and returned to the call with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Haruka said yes. I'll see you tomorrow after school, mother" he told his mother politely. 

"Really? Tell her th- actually, could you put Haruka on the line, Ai-chan?" She asked.

"Hai" the android simply stated and handed his blue phone to his friend.

"Moshi moshi?" Haruka said into the phone.

"Oh, Haruka! Thank you for letting Ai-chan stay for the night. I'll pick up the both of you after school and invite you to dinner!" Ai's mother told her. 

"Thank you very much! And it's my pleasure to have Ai-kun. Have a good night!" The orange haired girl smiled and hung up. Haruka could be a real polite girl in front of adults. She was the supposed 'mom friend' but in this case, 'parent friend' since she was good with both the father and the mother. She handed to phone back to it's owner and Ai took it back.

"I guess we should clean this first" Ai said, looking at the table with books messily placed on it. The both of them started to pick up their own books and placed them in their backpacks. After the mess was cleaned, Ai folded the table with Haruka helping and placed it back to the empty storage room. 

"Okay, we got that over with. Are you hungry? We didn't have anything besides the pudding after all" Haruka asked.

"No, I'm not hu-grrrgh"  a loud sound from his stomach interrupted him. Ai was designed similar to a real human, so he could feel hungry, sleepy, tired (although there was a risk that his program would shut down if he overworks), and get sick. 

"Hahaha!" Haruka suddenly laughed out loud. Ai's face got redder and redder from embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry A-Ai-kun.. I mean, with Yo-kun and you being hungry, I couldn't help but laugh" her laughter died down, but the red in Ai's face still remained.

"Hmph!" Ai said crossing his arms and turned his back to Haruka. Uh-oh.. when Ai gets mad, he get very out of character. 

"Ai-kun?" she called out, surprised by his sudden action. However, the cyan haired boy didn't reply but stayed with his back facing the surprised girl.

"Are you mad at me~?" In a teasing voice, she asked. Ai flinched and puffed out his cheeks. She couldn't help but giggle at his cute face. Haruka poked his puffed out cheeks but Ai still didn't talk to her. 

"I'm sorry Ai-kun~" Apologizing, Haruka looked at him. Ai flinched again but faced away from her. 

Oh well, time to use my final skill. 

Sighing, she looked at him with her kitten eyes and said, 

"I'm sorry, Onii-chan"

Ai's sky blue eyes widened and his pupils started shaking and Haruka knew she won.

'F-fine... I forgive you" he gave in, uncrossing his arms. 

"Yay~! Then I'll cook my special, Tamagoyaki (계란말이/rolled up omelette) with Onigiri!(말 그대로, 오니기리[일본식 주먹밥]/ 'rice ball')" When she said that, Ai forgot that he was mad and started to think about how good Haruka's special was. Really, her cooking could make anyone beg for seconds. 

Time Skip

"Ittaddakimasu~(잘먹겠습니다)" they both said before starting to eat. 

"Ai-kun, do you need clothes for sleep?" Haruka asked.

"Probably because this is uncomfortable" he said. She nodded and thought about it for a moment.

"Well, I might have clothes when my dad was young.. He's a hoarder so I'm pretty sure we can find what you need," she smiled.

"Thank you Haruka" 

"Don't mention it"

Time Skip

"Hmmm.. not this, not this, not this... THIS!" Haruka shouted suddenly. When she got out of the closet, she was holding out a purple shirt with black pants that looked about Ai's size. He nodded thanks and went to change and so did Haruka. 

When they both finished changing, Ai was in a much comfortable clothes that fit him perfectly and Haruka was wearing her usual pajama which was a plain short sleeved pink dress that ended on her knees. She looked like a little doll wearing that. Ai secretly took a photo of her and saved it to his photos.

"Umm... Where should you sleep?" Haruka asked him. 

"Huh? If you have blankets, I can sleep on the floor." He told her.

"But the problem is that I can't find the blankets and it's almost 10," she informed him.

"Huh.. Are you sure you can't find any blankets?" Ai asked her once again.

"Yes, and we can't go for a search right now because we have to wake up tomorrow at 6 for the test!" 

Then, she looked at her queen sized bed and pointed at it.

"My bed is big for the both of us, so if you're fine-" She turned to look at Ai's face.

"-We can sleep on my bed...?" 

At her sudden statement, Ai's face got red and the 'health class' he had today crossed his mind.

"Uhh.. are you sure, Haruka?" He asked, looking embarrassed. 

"I'm fine with it!" She said and crawled on the bed. Still embarrassed, Ai also got on the bed and laid down. After they turned to light out, The both of them started to sleep.

While Sleeping

"hmm.." Ai groaned and opened his eyes. When he checked the time, it was 2:14 A.M. 

'I wonder why I woke up... Wait, Haruka?!" 

When he looked down, he saw Haruka cuddled to his chest with her arm around his waist. 

"Uhhh.. Haa.." He let out quiet sounds so she wouldn't wake up. Ai didn't know what to do. He couldn't wake her up! When he searched online quickly about 'what to do when a girl cuddles to you in her sleep,' it said;

"Don't miss the chance! Cuddle with her!" 

The 6 grader android convinced himself that this was the only possible solution and closed his eyes and hugged her back. When he rested his head on the top of her hair, she smelled like honey and strawberry. In her comforting warmth and smell, he fell asleep very quickly.

'I guess it wasn't a bad solution.."

Hello....? *sighs* It's been almost a year... hasn't it? I apologize.. With other fanfictions and vacations in my way, I couldn't update. I'm so so so so so sorry! I'll try my best to update! Thank you so much for waiting.

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