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Rebecca's POV:

I woke up with a pair of arms around my waist I was one second away from panicking when I remembered last night.

I looked up to see Jakes handsome face above mine. yes I had to admit it he was handsome with his brown hair and beautiful hazel colored eyes. those eyes they called out alluring me to him like a gravity pull. I felt him move and pretended to still be a sleep.

"Becca love wake up."he said gently everyone called me Becca but when he said it out caused butterflies in my stomach.

"Becca..." he said and Nuzzled me gently by the neck.

"huh?"I said stretching.

"wake up." he said

i frowned "huh that's weird I thought I was awake" I said sarcastically.

he sighed "you know what I meant now come on"

I reluctantly followed him and almost tripped over my own feet. I would have fallen face first if Jake had not caught me.

"steady there" he chuckled as he helped me regain my balance.

oh great I could already tell this was going to be a very long day.

Jakes POV:

I could tell that she wasn't to happy today but why? I guess I would have to find out. I had slept amazingly and it was amazing to wake up and to find Rebecca in my arms.

"so what are we going to do today?" she asked. i twisting her head to look at me.

"well first I was going to hit the showers" I told her crocking a eyebrow at her.

"how the fuck are we s... oh" she finished realizing what I meant.

I rolled my eyes at her sometimes she could be dense " no shit Sherlock we have the ocean in front of us and your asking me how were going to take a shower?"

"hey" she said looking kinda embarrassed and I have to admit she looked cute flustered.

"hey is for horses now come on." I said shooting her a cheeky smile and grabbing her hand taking us toward the ocean.

"nice" she replied sarcastically.

" thanks!" I said and by the conner of my eye I could she her roll her eyes.

we got to the ocean and i started to take my shirt off. I was really bragging I had a pretty nice six pack and through the corner of my eye I saw hers widen.

"what are you doing!" she yelled at me as she turned around.

"umm what the hell does it look like I'm taking my clothes off to take a shower." I said.

"three points one

taking a shower in salt water?

two do you have to take your clothes off in front of me?

and third do I have to take all my clothes off?" she finished shyly. not looking me in the eyes I was staring at her intensely with amusement and I knew she noticed she started to squirm.

" are you not going to answer me or not and stop staring at like that!!" she snapped but her cheeks were pink.

I smirked. I was going to have fun with this. when she saw my smirk she paled and gulped.

"what are you going to do?" she said boldly but the paleness of her face gave her away.

"me?" i said inocently and took a step toward her.

she glared "yes you" she said.

I was ready to run as soon as I answered her question but she seemed to understand what I was about to do and her eyes widen as she turned around and broke into a run and damn she could run!

"oh no you don't, get back hear" I yelled

"never" she yelled back

"never say never" I quoted a JB song

"are you a boy believer" she yelled back and I could hear the amusement in hear voice.

I huffed how could she think that?

"never!" I yelled I was starting to get tired of the running.

"never say never" she mocked.

"hey" I said she was a good distance from me and I had stopped she stopped running turned around and threw me a smirk.

"hey is for horses" she said mater of factly.

"Haha I said she grinned sheepishly and started running again.

god she was fast and now I knew I was the one that would have to change the papers.

I started running again after her ready for payback. its her turn for her plans to fail.

I smirked evily knowing just how to get payback and answer the question that has been in my head since yesterday.


OK sorry for the short updates guys. but at least I updated. okay so I have been working more on my other story blood bound. I'm thinking of starting a fan fiction of one direction but I don't know yet. OK so 15 reads and 5 votes and I will update love ya guys!

IG: onedirectionpage50 ( this is my 1D account so if you want you can still follow niallsgirl360 but I'm on that one less but I still get on)

tweeter: Daniela_v_Jimenez

okay so on IG please follow @4teeeenns she had an amazing account but got hacked at 5k its all for teens fashion, cool pics, and teen post its really nice so please go follow her!!


love you alllllllll

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