Summer Rain - Key (SHINee)

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“Do you see that?” Your eyes drifted upwards towards the dark clouds rolling in above your head.

                “”It’s supposed to pass.  Don’t worry about it.”

                “What if there’s thunder?” You clung onto his arm as both of you continued your walk.

                “Are you still afraid of that?  Anyways, we’re almost at the bus stop to get home.” Key pointed down the street.  “I hope the food doesn’t get wet, though,” he looked at the groceries you each had in one hand.

                “You’re going to help me cook dinner, right, Oppa?” There was a slight bit of aegyo in your voice as you asked this.

                “I’m not going to help.  How about I cook for you, tonight,” He gave you a quick kiss on the top of your head.

                “Mm, even better.”  This was another one of those moments that you felt so glad that you have such a sweet boyfriend.


                As both of you navigated your way past the Ahjummas and Ahjussis at the front of the bus, you collapsed into one of the seats near the back.  Key sat down next to you and placed his bag of groceries on the floor between his feet.  The other bag rested on your lap.

                A sigh escaped from your lips.

                “What are you so tired about?  The bags aren’t even that heavy,” he poked your forearm, “We need to build up those muscles of yours.”

                “And how do you plan on doing that?” You joked, sitting up a little straighter in the bus seat.

                “I guess you’re going to have to carry my bag of groceries, too.” Key chuckled and you playfully punched him in the arm. “Oh, ow, that almost felt like I was being hit by a tiny bag of marshmallows.”

                Now it was you who started giggling.  The two of you continued to joke around and laugh, which eventually earned you a shush from the nearest Ahjumma.

                A few moments of silence passes between the two of you until Key spoke, “Is there something on my face?”

                You hadn’t noticed, but you had been staring up at him for a while, now.

                Without much thinking, you responded, “You look like a cat.”

                “A cat?  You have the strangest imagination.”  His hand trailed through your hair. “So, what animal are you?”

                “You can’t pick animals for yourself,” you protested as if this were a serious topic, “But I definitely know that you are a cat.”

                He sighed and lightheartedly rolled his eyes.

                The bus jerked to a sudden stop and you nearly dropped the bag off of your lap.  Key placed his arm out just in time to catch the bag from falling.

                “Careful, Clumsy,” He stood up and held out his hand for you to take, “Come on, it’s our stop.”

                The bus doors shut behind you and drove off on its route.  Only a few blocks to your house, and then you could finally have a great meal.  Even though it was summer, you still had been busy lately, doing random jobs to earn a little extra cash, because of this, today you ended up skimming on meals.

                “Yah!” Key wiped his cheek and looked upward.

                “Uh-oh…” you trailed off.  A loud crash of thunder made you jump into Key’s arms and the rain began pouring down on the both of you. 

                “Come on!” He grabbed your hand and began running with you, trying to find the nearest shelter, but most of the buildings ended up being houses.

                You began breathing heavy.  The moisture in your hair began to drip down onto your face, which didn’t help your vision, much.  Before you knew it, you had lost your footing on the slippery pavement and nearly fell, only to scarcely avoid a crash on the ground from Key’s hand still holding yours.

                “Are you okay?” His eyes were filled with concern and you wondered why. You peered down and noticed that while you hadn’t fallen completely, you fell onto your knees and received a largebruise on the side of your ankle.

                “Oh, yeah, I’m fine, but could we stop just for a moment.  I’m getting a little tired.”  He pulled you up, being extra careful of your left ankle. 

                “Follow me.  Do you help walking?”  He had such a great amount of concern over such a minor injury, you were almost a little curious what his reaction would’ve been if it was serious.

                “I’m fine, I’m fine,” you reassured him.  You wanted appear strong, even though his sweet words and worry made you feel very loved.  He led you over to a bench out in the middle of a small park.  As he was leading you there, he held you by your arm, despite your earlier remark that you could walk on your own.

                Key eventually released your arm once he was positive that you were comfortable on the bench.  He then sat down next to you. 

                A loud burst of thunder and flash of lightning sent you cowering into Key’s arms.  You leaned over on the bench and buried your face in his chest.  His arms tightly enveloped your trembling body.  Key’s hand stroked your hair to comfort you.

                “Ah,” you slanted your head upwards to meet his eyes, “Don’t catch a cold.  You’re soaking wet!”

                “So are you,” Key stated back, “And I’m your boyfriend.  I should be looking after you.”

                The thunder struck again, and by this time, you were ready to get inside as quickly as you could.  “Can we start back towards your house, now?” 

                After a few minutes of Key continuously asking if you wanted him to carry you, he finally agreed to let you walk, but he helped hold you up the whole time.


                The door to your house flung open as the two of you stepped inside.  Key quickly removed his shoes, then helped with yours.  The couch was your next destination.  Even though you were soaking wet, Key quickly laid down a towel for you to sit on.  He then got a towel for himself.

                “Thank you so much for everything you did for me today.  You really are too good to be true.” You blushed, finally saying such sugary words, but everything was honest.

                “I would’ve done more if I could.  I just wish it wasn’t raining.  I hate the rain,” He attempted to dry his hair again with the already dripping wet towel.

                 You let out a small giggle, “I knew you were like a cat.”

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