Shut The Fuck Up, Clifford-CALM

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Hey I need more requests like badly so please send some.
This wasn't a request but I hope you like it!

Pregnant: Luke & Calum

No One's pov

       It was the first show of the SLFL tour and the anxiety levels were high. Sound check had gone well except for the fact that Luke and Calum had gotten tired and out of breath.

Oh yeah.

     Luke and Calum were both nine months pregnant. The boys were in a four way relationship and decided they wanted to start a family. So, Ashton got Luke pregnant and Michael got Calum pregnant. Calum was carrying a little boy and Luke was carrying a little girl.

      Now, just as they were about to go onstage, Calum began feeling cramps in his stomach. He brushed them off and waddled onstage behind the others. They made started the show and despite Calum and Luke not being able to move around a lot, it was amazing.

      Towards the end of the set, the cramps Calum had been feeling worsened. His voice cracked a bit during one of his solos because a strong pain washed over him. Luke noticed this and looked over at his boyfriend in concern. Calum was about to tell Luke he was fine when he felt a warm liquid trickling down his leg. That's when he realised he had been having contractions and was about to give birth.

      He brown eyes widened and somehow, Luke understood exactly what was happening. He quickly waddled over to the kiwi boy after taking off his guitar. He helped Calum removed his bass and by now, Ashton and Michael had noticed the commotion and were making their way over to the pair.

"What's wrong, Cally?" Michael asked.

"Baby's coming." Calum whimpered.

     Ashton and Michael's eyes widened and helped him backstage while Luke entertained the fans.

    Calum was too distracted by the pain of the baby crowning to notice that he had been carried to their dressing room, laid on the couch, and his pants had been removed. Michael placed a wet cloth on Calum's forehead as Ashton moved between his legs.

"Shit, he's right there." Ashton spoke.

"No fuck!" Calum shouted.

"Okay, um, push on the next pain, lo-" he was cut off by Calum's scream as he bored down.

"You're doing great, baby." Michael assured.

"Shut the fuck up, Clifford." Calum snapped before pushing again.

The baby's head was soon out and Calum felt the shoulders stretch his entrance. He bored down with a scream and both shoulders popped out at once. Tears rolled down Calum's tan cheeks as he pushed one last time.

A high pitched cry was heard as Ashton cut the cord. The baby was set on Calum's chest and Ashton and Michael huddled around him to coo over their child.

"He's so cute. He has your hair, Cal." Michael whispered.

"Yeah, and I bet he has green eyes just like you, Mikey." Ashton smiled.

"He's so precious." Calum mumbled.

Their moment was interrupted by a crew member bursting through the door. He had a worried expression etched onto his features.

"What's up?" Ashton asked.

"It's Luke. He collapsed onstage. He won't let anyone touch him and is asking for you guys." The man panted.

Michael and Ashton's eyes widened, rushing out of the room as they assured Calum that they'd be back. They hurried onstage to find crew members surrounding Luke, who was curled up on the floor, clutching his bump. They ran over to him and crouched next to him.

"Baby, what's wrong." Michael asked, brushing a piece of hair from Luke's eyes.

"Hurts. She's coming." Luke whimpered.

"Fuck. Okay, c'mon." Ashton sighed as they helped Luke up.

A loud popping sound was heard and Luke let out a pained whine. They all looked down to see a puddle of water beneath the youngest. They rushed back to the dressing room and laid Luke on the other couch, removing his pants.

"What's wrong?" Calum asked softly.

"Our baby girl's decided to meet her brother." Ashton explained.

"Shit, he's in labour now too? I'd help but I'm exhausted." Calum said.

"S'alright, you can rest, Cally-bear." Michael assured as he took Luke's hand in his.

Ashton got between Luke's just in time to see the baby begin to crown.

"Okay, she's crowning, um, next contraction push, Lukey." Ashton instructed.

Luke did as told, quieter than Calum, only releasing small whines and whimpers. Soon, the head slid out and Luke stretched around the shoulders. He cried out softly, squeezing the life out of Michael's hand. He bored down and one shoulder popped out, another push, so did the other. Luke pushed a few more times and another chorus of high pitched cries filled the room.

Ashton cut the cord and set the baby on Luke's chest. Ashton and Michael smiled fondly at their boyfriends and babies. Suddenly, the door burst open and paramedics came in with two stretchers. They lifted Luke and Calum onto them and set off for the hospital.

    Calum, Luke, and both babies were perfectly healthy. They decided on the names Ethan Gregory and Annabelle Theresa for the babies and were now happy with the little family they started.

Ethan Gregory Hood-Hemmings-Clifford-Irwin
Annabelle Theresa Hood-Hemmings-Clifford-Irwin
A/n: SO I NEED REQUESTS BADLY. Hope you liked this guys! Thanks lovelies!:3


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