Little Red Riding Hood: Don't be scared of the Big Bad Wolf~

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(A/N - WARNING: mentions of abuse, and just to clarify, NONE of these stories follow the plots of the fairy-tales exactly, only the general concept. May also be the concepts of the Disney plots. )

It hurts,

At least I'm out of that hellhole, if only for a day...

You absentmindedly rubbed your cheek, the sting of a fist still lingering upon your bruising skin. The pure white snow seemingly mocking you in contrast to your red cheek. You are not pure, you never were. You've been the victim of too many atrocities to maintain a "pure" soul, if anything it was pitch black.

Black as the darkest of wolf fur

You stayed on the path towards your equally-as-abusive grandmother's house, you knew the consequences of being late. It was either a collage of scars and bruises...or you would perish in the hands of the monsters who lurk in the forest. Before he died, your father would teach you the weaknesses of these demons, how to defend yourself from them. Just thinking about it made you pull your big crimson hood further over your head, courtesy of your father, while his previously owned dagger which was handed down to you was held in the belt of the lining of your stockings, firmly held against your thigh.

The sound of the crunching of the snow underneath your boot clad feet and the rustling of the leaves upon the numerous amount of trees which seemed to block out the light of the sun, was the only sound that enacted throughout the forest. You soon came to a small clearing, the little spot surrounded by looming trees but yet the snow still sparkled despite the lack of natural light. heard it.


The clinking of chains...

A growl...

Without a second thought, you whipped out the dagger from your stocking belt and spun around in all directions trying to face the possible monster with the fiercest face you could muster. It was difficult, you were petrified, not by the fact that you could get mutilated by this ungodly being oh no...but the fact that you were going to be late. The footsteps were getting closer, and closer, and closer...until the low pitch growling was almost right behind you. You swung your blade in a vertical arch to try and slice through the flesh of this monster but the burning cold feeling of chains wrapped around your wrist, struggling to break free of this strong, metal hold. A strong force then tugged on the chain causing you to stumble through the trees in the direction of your attacker, the hood of your cape flying off your head in the process, revealing your (e/c) orbs which were widened in shock and mild fear and fierceness, and (h/c) locks that flowed out the hood that concealed it.

With each tug you stumbled and slid on the snow beneath and held onto the barks of trees with your nails becoming bloody as you held onto dear life but to no avail. You even considered cutting your own hand off to escape the harsh binding upon your wrist, you started to quickly stab at your lower wrist away from the vital arteries, gritting your teeth and not allowing screams to escape your throat. No matter how shitty your life was, to put it bluntly, you wanted to live. But that thought was soon abandoned as one final tug caused you to collide, surprisingly gently, into a...very human chest. Arms circled around you as you weakly struggled to escape from this (boy's?) vice grip, however a voice that came from this "boy" made you stop in your tracks, his voice full of shock and hurt.

"What happened to you?"

Due to the ever-familiar voice, your eyes shot open and you looked up at your so called "attacker".

Golden blonde hair...

Big, bushy tail...

fluffy, twitching wolf ears...

Sapphire eyes filled with sadness...


Without knowing it you latched onto him, ignoring your arm bleeding profusely and crying out in pain. Your head was buried in his shoulder, inhaling the scent you have missed oh so much. You were basically sobbing at this point, shaking in his hold while he held you close, your long-lost childhood friend...

"Why did you leave me?"

You cried into his shoulder, his breath hitches at the sound of your choked sobs. His hand raises your chin so you can look at him. In all honesty, the years have treated him well, chin-length hair that framed his soft face, royal blue eyes boring into your own that held many different emotions, regret, sympathy and relief. His robust frame was clad in a loose-fitting white shirt, a cobalt vest with golden trimmings and black pants with knee high, dark grey boots. He looked over your form, (h/c) tresses flowed behind you and (e/c) eyes shimmered even without light, your red hood and cape was hung around your shoulders with your white shirt and half corset showing off your mature figure while your crimson skirt flowed from your knees and showed black stockings and brown boots. His hand gently hovered over your purple and red cheek, as if afraid to cause you any harm by touching it. A deep rage threatened to surface towards the people who did this to you...(Y/n)...his (y/n), but he controlled his anger and answered your question.

"I...I left you because I saw what they were doing to you, when they found out you were with me. I thought it was for the best...I was so foolish, t-they just hurt you more, (y/n) I'm so sorry-"

You cut him off by placing a feather light kiss upon his cheek, silencing him form his self-disgusted rant. You smiled at him with a melancholy expression before responding.

"Kurapika, the past doesn't matter, all that matters is that I am with you again."

The wolf-boy breathed a sigh of relief and motioned towards your limp, bloody arm. You weakly lifted it up towards him and he gingerly held it with his hands, examining it and trying to remember what his doctor friend, Leorio, had said to do in these situations. Quickly but carefully in fear of hurting your arm even more, he ripped a section of his shirt sleeve and gently wrapped it around your arm to control the bleeding, and like when you were little, kissed it better. You smiled at him afterwards but then gasped and started shaking, Kurapika frantically asked you what was wrong, you were were scared.

By this time, Kurapika had enough of the senseless beatings you had daily. He knew that under the oversized cloak you held scars and bruises that littered your body. He embraced you and his scent and abnormal bodily warmth, he was part wolf anyways, calmed you slightly.

"(Y/n), come and live with me..."


"I'm sick and tired of the acts of meaningless violence you go through, it pains me to know that while I was gone you lived a life of hurt. So, abandon that life and start a new one with me, I want to keep you safe. We can live in the wilderness and nothing will harm you, I promise."

"Kurapika...I would love to."

The moment you said that, your lips met. A hidden desire was unleashed from you both as you engaged in a passionate kiss that melted the pain you have both suffered through. Your back hit the tree trunk behind you as your mouths and eventually tongues danced along with the song of love and passion. Soon oxygen was needed and you both broke away panting, staring with a longing manner into each others eyes. Tears collected in the corners of your eyes as you two embraced while you slid down the trunk onto the white sheet of snow.

You should of done this sooner,

You should of never been scared of the Big Bad Wolf.

(A/N: HOLY SHIT I DID IT! SCREW YOU PROCRASTINATION!! Anyways up next is Sleeping Beauty, I hope you guys enjoyed this and will tune in next time, thank you!)

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