Sleeping Beauty: My knight my beloved (2)~

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You've been in here for seven days...
You were used to the voices that surfaced from the darkest corners of your mind, whether it be the cause of the malnourishment or the constant mental abuse of your captor.
You could of saved him...
His gleaming smile flashed across your mind, normally it would of made you feel better but these weren't normal circumstances. The kingdom you grew up in, made friends in, and even found your lover in, was slowly decaying and you could do nothing about it.
You're worthless...
Everyone was counting on you, even him...
And you let them down...
Overcoming your guilt and fears, you let out a rage full cry and stood and pulled against the iron shackles bound to your wrists. It certainly wasn't your strength alone that broke the chains, there seemed to be a flash of blue light and the chains simply disintegrated. As you stumbled forward from the sudden loss of restraints you noticed a familiar sword and shield on the cold cobblestone floor, they were glistening with a pure white glow (magic no doubt) it was encrusted with rare jewels that lit up the room immensely.  The great fairies must of helped you.

This was no doubt the sword of legends that only the destined hero reincarnated could wield, Kurapika once showed you while on your nightly adventures. But why would the sword present itself to you? You had no lineage of such heroic far as you knew. Dragging your broken body over to the holy weapon, you shakily reached out to grasp it with your weak grip, you braced yourself while expecting the sword not to move an inch but it lifted off the ground with ease, almost as if a hidden uncovered strength help your broken form. Pointing the sword skyward, a tidal wave of new strength coursed through you while your wounds miraculously healed; the cold and small room lit up with a pure white glow as you felt your personality switch from a shattered soul to a pure lionhearted hero. Your gaze, once bewildered and wide eyed, turned steely with the fire of determination and courage dancing in your eyes. You truly felt that your ancestors' power was being released from the denial that chained it down.

You strapped the shield to your forearm and promptly kicked the door down, more than likely alerting nearby monsters. But you weren't scared anymore as the monstrosities that towered over you seemed small and insignificant as your blade sliced through leathery flesh, the dark blood coating the stone walls. You repeated this process with any of the obnoxious monsters that crossed your path before escaping on your grey horse who galloped over to your call after loyally waiting for his captive master to return. However you knew that this escape was too easy as dark magic circled the castle you were so near reaching; black and crooked thorny vines sprouted from the ground and intertwined themselves to block you from your prince. This didn't stop you...nothing would...not anymore. You and your trusted horse galloped straight into the forest of thorns with no hesitation; you unsheathed the legendary weapon and slashed furiously at the branches, not minding how they cut your clothing and the skin underneath. Halfway through and your long and knotted hair  was continuously being caught in the thorns, this was a hindrance and costed precious time that stopped you from retrieving Kurapika. You struggled with the sword and made a clean cut that sliced through your hair, now making it a cropped cut and easier to navigate through the earthly obstacle.

Even after all the things that have happened in a short span of time, you didn't expect the person responsible for your love's 100 year sleep to be transforming into a towering black dragon with emerald flames flaring out of it's wide nostrils, with claws sharp enough to slice through skin even if it didn't touch you. You were met with this sight soon after you emerged from the thorny forest, this monster was the reason why the whole kingdom and it's prince, your love, was trapped in an endless sleep and this thought alone was enough for your expression to turn dark with fiery determination hidden in your eyes that could scorch the devil himself.
The heroes always slay the dragon in the end

You sent your obedient horse away from the temporary battlefield as you daringly stepped towards the monolith of a dragon. Without hesitation, it swiped it's razor sharp claws at your body, you retaliated by taking a swift side-step and slicing your sword through it's scaly and grotesque skin which resulted in blood gushing from the clean cut and flecks of it staining your body. It howled in pain and breathed the scorching flames towards where you stood, the shield strapped to your arm protected you as the sword delivered several slices to the bridge of its snout. What you didn't notice was the other claw that swiftly attacked you before you had a chance to defend yourself, resulting in three deep and long cuts running diagonally across your abdomen and chest; you were thrown to the ground, winded and bleeding heavily.

Everything muted around you as you stared up at the darkened sky, the same sky you used to stare at and dream under with Kurapika on lazy days. You couldn't give up now, the fate of the whole kingdom lied heavily on your shoulders. As tears slipped from your dull eyes, you allowed yourself to fall off the edge of self-control and a bright burning power that was locked away to regain control.

The dragon's mouth twitched into a little smirk as it viewed your broken body on the blood-dyed ground, and it hissed in taunt at your 'defeat'. However, it's egotistical victory was cut short as the legendary sword cut through the air and embedded itself in its eye as blood gushed and sprayed from the wound. It gazed in fury at your standing form which stared back with bright scarlet eyes that held generations of anger and hatred swirling in the red depths.
"How dare you take him from me..."
You ran to its spiked tail and climbed up its scaly back until you reached it's head slippery with blood, and then yanked the sword from the mutilated eyeball. This caused the dragon extreme pain as it flung you off it's head high into the sky; you readied your sword and let out a vengeful cry.
You dropped and sliced the neck in one clean cut. Landing on the ground gracefully compared to the lifeless head that crashed on the dirt, as blood rained down from the stump of the neck.

Closing your eyes, you felt the Crimson liquid splatter on your skin as a sense of sick enjoyment from the ability to end lives so felt in control.
This...wasn't you.
It's not you.
Stop it stop it STOP IT!
You opened your now (e/c) orbs and looked at the carnage around you, caused by you. It made you sick, the feeling of your clothes stuck to your skin from the blood dying it crimson and the metallic stench that filled your nostrils. You clenched your wound on your side and staggered to Kurapika's tower, biting your lip to avoid a sob tearing from your throat. How could he love you now? A monster with the blood of hundreds, or maybe thousands of you count your ancestors, staining your hands. As you reached his room, you saw him perfectly motionless on his bed surrounded by thorny roses, as if the passage of time did not affect him in the slightest. You were hesitant to even approach him from the fear of tainting the room untouched by time for you were unworthy to touch or gaze upon his perfect face framed by golden strands or to even breath the same air as him. Taking a deep breath from the pain of the wound and pure anxiousness, you approached his bedside and gently cupped the side of his face and brushed his hair to the side.
"I'm here, my love..."
"Finally after so long, i am able to be with you again,"
"Even so, I am scared, petrified even, of the thought of you thinking me as a monster, I wouldn't blame you for i also agree."
"But no matter what odds are stacked against us, I will never let harm come to you prince."
As the final tears fell from your eyes, you leant your head down and gently placed your lips upon Kurapika's smooth ones. Something that withered away from the lack of Kurapika's presence suddenly bloomed in your chest as life flooded your entire being. More tears slipped from your closed eyes and you felt a hand being carefully placed upon your cheek and wiping the excess tears away.
"Even if you turned into a demon of hell itself, I would still love you for who you are..."
When you met his loving gaze you broke down sobbing into his chest as he kissed anywhere he could manage from your head to the base of your neck, despite the blood.
"I'm so glad you're safe..."
"All thanks to you...

You two were finally reunited again, as that was all that mattered.
The knight and her beloved.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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