Sleeping Beauty: My knight my beloved (1)~

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(A/N: Your hair is long for some part in this fic, hope that doesn't bother anyone, and the curse that Maleficent put on Aurora for her 16th birthday has been changed to the 19th birthday...FOR THE PLOT. And again, this does NOT follow the exact plot of Sleeping Beauty, anyways enjoy!)

Everyone knows that love between a royal and a knight is forbidden. It is punishable by many aspects,

life in prison,



You knew of these punishments but yet you couldn't help but fall for the adopted prince of the royal family. You were his personal guard and after 3 years of being assigned to protect him, your friendship grew and so did your want to keep him safe at all costs, even if that cost was your own life. Leorio, Killua and Gon, your fellow knights and close friends, knew of your infatuation with the intelligent prince and never judged you for it as they could see the love he had for you also. But whenever they found you two (whether it be reading books in the library, sneaking out after hours to see each other or even consoling him after a particularly rough day) they would exchange saddened glances to each other as they knew, everyone knew, of the curse that has befallen Kurapika.

It seemed that almost everyone in the kingdom had knowledge of this curse, except for you. An evil being, known as Maleficent, cursed Kurapika on his first birthday when he was accepted into the royal family and officially introduced to the kingdom as the new prince and next heir to the throne. On his 19th birthday, he would prick his finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die (but that fact was quickly changed to 100 years slumber courtesy of one of the great fairies.) No one could do anything to stop it, not even burning every spinning wheel in the kingdom to a fiery inferno helped. Everyone just waited out the prince's years with grief. You nor Kurapika had any idea of this unfortunate event that was going to happen, the blonde prince was going to turn nineteen tomorrow and none of you knew...until it was too late.


"Oi, Kurapika! Knew I would find you out here."

At the sound of your voice, that sounded like a choir of angles to his ears, his head that was buried into his book lifted and looked towards your figure that was free from the hindrance of the armour you had to wear almost everyday. In the candlelight of the usually dim library, your eyes shimmered with the joy of seeing him while your shinning (h/c) hair swished and flowed behind you as you jogged towards the chairs where Kurapika was seated.

"Well, you're late this evening, aren't you?"

  "Sorry, Leorio and I had to run five laps around the entire castle courtyard because we were 5 bloody minutes late. My legs and back are still aching from having to carry Leorio half of the way!"

A chuckle erupted from Kurapika's throat from your amusing story. You plopped down onto the rickety wooden chairs and smiled to yourself when the story was a success in lightening Kurapika up. With curiosity, you leaned over and studied the contents of the book that lay in the blonde's lap; it was a thick leather bound book with a fraying broken spine, you recognised it as a romantic yet dark themed book which was peculiar for the blonde who took no time in books that didn't give him anything to offer with knowledge. With a mildly surprised expression, you questioned the prince but being cautious not to anger him as a angry Kurapika was more terrifying than a hoard of bloodthirsty demons waiting to quench their thirst with a unsuspecting victim.

"O-oh, no reason. The title just intrigued me, that's all..."

You knew him, and he was one to leave questions unanswered or vague, but this still confused you. But (despite your curiosity rising) you brushed it off and went to choose a book over the thousands that littered the royal library floor and bookshelves.

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