Chapter Two

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A/n: I don't own any of these characters. They all belong to Queen JK Rowling. Story ideas are mine, though. Enjoy!
          "Christmas, Scor! It's only a few days. I'm sure your mum and dad wouldn't want you to be here by yourself. Please? My parents would love to meet you." Albus was trying to convince Scorpius to come to the Potter's house for Christmas break. So far, Scorp hadn't agreed to anything yet. There was still the matter of Draco and Astoria, his parents. He was debating whether to tell his parents the he was going home with "his friend" or actually tell them he was spending break at Albus Potter's house. After all, he was going to have to tell them that he was best friends with his father's mortal enemy's son. Or if he ended up with Lily, he would have to tell them then. "Oh, all right. Just stop nagging me, Albus, for magic's sake." Albus cheered a bit and then ran over to the edge of his four-poster bed and grabbed his mobile that a wizard had invented. It worked at Hogwarts, so most students had one to call home. Al called his mum and told her that Scorpius was coming for Christmas. Scorpius and Albus had decided that they were going to stay for a week and half, then come back before break was over. She sounded delighted. Well I'm sure she'll be the only one, Scor thought, The rest of the Weasleys probably won't like that I'll be in their care for a week and a half. Al and Scorp packed up their things in their trunks, as they were leaving in the morning. Then they walked down to dinner.
         After they had finished, Al walked over to the Gryffindor table to tell Lily that Scorpius was spending Christmas holiday at the Potter's house. He wished Al hadn't gone, because as soon as he did, Madison and Adam walked over. Scorpius rolled his eyes, "What do you two want?" Madison decided that now, when Lily Potter was looking at him, was the best time for her to drape herself over Scorpius like a blanket. "We just came to say Merry Christmas, Scorpy. Are you and your parents going to my family's celebration?" Scorpius decided to play a little joke on her. "Of course, Madison. I wouldn't miss it for the world." He said, as sincerely as he possibly could. "Great, mate. We'll see you there." Adam added, then walked off. Scorpius rose from the table and started to walk back to the common room. Along the way, he was stopped by Lily Potter who had gotten up when she saw him leave. "Hey! Where're you going, Scorp?" She said as she skipped alongside him. He hadn't remembered her being this perky since her first year, three terms ago. "To my common room. What about you, Perky Potter?" She laughed, but stopped skipping and walked normally. Scorp took that as a sign to continue. "What's got you so happy anyways?" He raised his eyebrows at her. She giggled. "Nothing. So I heard that you're coming to our house for Christmas. I can't wait! Make sure to bring a present for the Pollyanna." Scorpius looked confused. "A Pollyanna? What's that?" So, Lily explained as she walked him to the Slytherin common room. "It's basically where everyone brings a present and we put numbers on all of them. Everyone gets a number. And the number you get corresponds with a number on a gift. You pick the gift that corresponds and open it. And you get to keep whatever's inside." Scorpius knew exactly what to buy for a Pollyanna gift. He also knew what to get for all of the Potter family.
         Scorpius, Albus,and Lily were boarding the train when Lily slipped on a step and fell backwards. Albus, who was in front of her, tried to grab her hand and failed. Scorpius however, who was behind her, caught her. He stared into her beautiful green eyes as she stared back into his startling blue ones. "Careful, flower." She blushed furiously as he helped her back up onto the train. He walked to the compartment that Albus was in after Lily had gone to sit in with some of her cousins. "Don't fancy her, huh?" Albus smirked as Scorpius slid the compartment door closed. "Oh, shove off. I don't fancy her, I was simply helping her back on the train as I would do for anyone." Albus shook his head and went back to his book. Scorpius pulled a notebook and some drawing pencils out of his knapsack. He flipped to a clean page and began a sketch.
         After about two and a half hours, Scorpius had finished his drawing. He had coloured it as well. It was a drawing of Lily Potter. He was going to show her sometime, that he was sure of. He just didn't know when.he was pretty sure he thought of Lily every chance he got a second. Albus was still reading and the train wasn't nearly half-way back to London, so Scorpius decided to take a nap. What he didn't know, however, was that this little nap gave Albus the perfect opportunity to snoop though his best friend's drawing book. He flipped through all of them, impressed, then he came to the one of his little sister. He looked at Scorpius, who was sound asleep at this point and nodded. He was perfect for Lily. If had any opinion on who Lily Luna Potter ended up with in the long run, he was happy Scorpius wanted to be that person. In Albus's opinion, there was no better boy for Lily.

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