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Raph (all parts will be from Raph's pov unless stated differently)

You could ask me how long I've been here, and I wouldn't know. Around a month, maybe more. My hands are shackled up above my head. I've tried to break them in the past, but they won't budge. I'm on my knees. I haven't been able to sit for about a week. If I do, it could break my wrists. It's hot. Sweat beads down from my head and drips down in small puddles in the floor, mixing with my own blood. I'm panting. I haven't had water for about three days and the last time I had some, it was only half of a small cup. I haven't had food for about a week. My strength has left me long ago. It's dark, the only light coming from the vent in the ceiling, which makes it barely visible to see my own feet. I haven't slept for days.
Where am I?
Captured and defenseless in Shredder's dungeon being tortured endlessly.
How did I get here?
Well. That's a long story.
It went something like this:

It was a normal day. Nothing really bad, you know. We had fought a few Foot ninjas and that was it. We beat the Kraang long ago whenever the Triceratons tryed to destroy the earth. We saved it though, and the Kraang escaped thinking that the earth was know destroyed. They won't be back. Ever.
That was good thing, right?
Because now Shredder and his clan have more time to find us. We probably met up with at least one Foot every two days. At least.
So there we were, running from Razaar and Tiger Claw. Again. For the third time this week. On a roof top.
It was no biggie. I mean, we practically have done this enough times, we didn't even half to think about it. I was running a little slower than usual, just my usual cocky self. I would yell behind me at Tiger Claw.
"You over sized house cat! You can't even catch me and I'm not even running fast!"
The others were way ahead of me by now. I was being an idiot and decided to run backwards, which I cannot do very good, by the way. I didn't think anything bad could happen, but I was wrong. Way wrong.
I guess I wasn't running in a strait line and I fell of the rooftop and landed in an alley.
Man. That hurt.
I was close to blacking out and I could breath very well. The last thing I saw was Tiger Claw hovering over me with his freeze gun pointed in my face.
Then it goes black.
I woke up on my stomach on the ground.
I groan and rub my head. I still haven't realized were I was.
"Oh. My head...."
I sit up only to be kicked in the back and shoved back to the ground again.
"Stay down or I will end you myself." came the familiar voice of Fishface.
I look behind me and see him hovering over me. I try to move, but my ankles are chained together to a pole in the floor.
Great. Captured.
I stay on my stomach, but I move my head from side to side so I can view my surroundings.
I know this place.
Shredder's lair.
I am right in front of the stairs that lead up to his throne. Sitting in the throne is none other than Shredder himself. He is staring at me. I lunge at him, but the chain keeps me down.
"Let me go!" I yell, fighting the chains that keep me in place.
"Shall I finish him now, Master Shredder?" asked the voice of Tiger Claw, who must be behind me as well as Fishface.
"No. I want to watch him suffer." he said.
"Take him to the dungeon."
"Yes Master."
And then I'm being dragged away by my feet to the dungeon. It's down stairs, and they drag me down all of them. I got my head on every single one. I can tell you that there are exactly eighty-eight stairs on that flight.
They put me in a cell and hang me up by my feet like meat in a butcher's shop. They stand there and watch me for a long time. I stare back at them. I feel some liquid running down my face and I realize that I have a nose bleed. I then back out.
I awake some time later to a loud metallic banging noise. I now am flat on my back in the middle of the cell with my ankles chained again.
"Oh wake up, you good for nothing maggot." said a voice out side of the cell.
I set up and hold my head. I have the worst head ache.
"Food. Enjoy it while you can." he said and slipped it under the door. I crawl towards it.
It's food. I guess. It's a brown mush with a glass of water.
"What is it?"
"I said food. Eat up. Shredder said you only get food once a week and water every three days."
I look at it. It smells literally like rotted meats.
I take up a little of it and put it in my mouth. It's absolutely horrible, but if I only get food every week, I better eat as much as I can. I almost throw up a few times, but I manage to eat every last drop of the stuff. I guzzle the water, which is luke-warm, to wash it down. I slide the tray back under the door and go back to a corner in the far end of my cell and sit down.
Razaar gathers the tray and leaves.
What am I gonna do? I thought. I could be been there a few hours or weeks. I didn't know which. The only confinment that I have now is a cuff around my ankle connected to a chain on the far side of the wall.
Look at that. They want me to be able to exercise as I await my death. I stand up and stretch. The chain was annoying. I kicked out my leg a few times. It was heavy too. The cell was small. In fact, it's the same cell that they've kept me in all this time.
The dried blood on my face from the nose bleed is stiff and makes my face itch, so I rub it off. It's dried pretty good and won't come off easily, so I spit in my hand and rub it on my face. I have a ginormous knot on the back of my head from the stairs that is still very sore. It may be a concussion, I don't know.
I don't see anyone else for about three days. The only thing to keep me from going insane from bordem is scratching pictures and quotes into the stone with a rock that I found. Its too small to use for a weapon, so it's useless. I carved my name probably twelve times in different designs with flames and things around them. It took forever though. I begin to feel the need for water on me like a pile of bricks on my shoulders. Also the hunger is driving me insane. I get weak, I can't stand. I sit in a corner with my head in my hands. I will die if I don't get water very soon.
And just like that, Razaar appears with a small cup of water. I rush over and drink it all as soon as he slides the cup time through the bars of the door. The water is again warm, but I don't care. This is the best water I have ever had in all my sixteen years.
I finish it quickly and look down the small cup, wishing for more. I slide the cup through the bars to Razaar, who then walks away.
My thirst is satisfied for now, but my hunger isn't. I can feel the intense pain in my stomach, yelling at me from the inside to give it the nutrients it needs. I does that for days. I try to keep my mind off of it by carving some more. I decide to take a leap and carve Sensei. By the time that my food is here, I've only finished the outline.
They give me the same food as last time and a cup of water.
I guess the only water I'll have is warm water, and the only food I'll have is this slop.
I'm so hungry, that I eat the slop in record time, leaving none left. The water is still amazing, and I guzzle it. I am slowly dying of thirst, I think.
This carries on for about a month and I finish the carving of Sensei with perfect detail. Everything changes the day Shredder comes down with Tiger Claw and Stockman.
"Take him to you're laboratory, Stockman. But keep him alive. I'm not finished with him yet." Shredder says.
"Withzzzz pleazzure, Mazzter zzzShredder." The fly says. And then I'm hit with a tranquilizer dart and carried away.
Hope you liked my new book. This is inspired by Behind the Darkness, a tmnt comic on YouTube. It is totally awesome. I loved it. Pls vote and comment and don't forget to let me know on all of your ideas. You can PM me or just comment. I'm interested to hear all of your ideas.
Your opinoin, should I do a tmnt imagine book
Comment and let me know.

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