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I opened my eyes to a dim room. All around me was quiet, meaning I had gotten up before my alarm went off. I felt a slight chill then, and I rolled to my left to see the bed empty. Per usual, my boyfriend wasn't there. I sighed as I sat up slowly and yawned.

He usually wasn't here when I woke up. He worked a lot more than I did. My job was a simple part-time one at a cafe a couple blocks from here. It was just close enough to walk to. His job required a car, though, because he worked for a company that sold various items that people needed. Anything from home decor to toothpaste to brush your teeth. It was kind of a weird company, but it was successful nonetheless.

I slowly made my way into the large kitchen. The house I lived in, because my boyfriend made so much money, was relatively large. I used to live in a small apartment...until I met him. A few years later I had moved in with him here. I liked this house and all of its beauty, but once in a while I would get lonely.

The kitchen was empty. I guess I should have expected him to be out already, but it still disappointed me. I'd see him later though, so it wasn't unbearably unfortunate. I glanced at the clock as I yawned again.


My shift didn't start until ten, so I had some time to wake up a little. I looked around for a second, and then turned back. I suppose I should take a shower. I had taken one last night, but it was a little cold in here, and I figured the water might warm me up.

Once inside the beautiful bathroom, I turned the knobs and undressed, then stepped inside. The bathroom was mostly grays and whites with some black here and there. It was very modern looking. Mostly everything in the house was modern. Kyo was one of those guys who liked things up to date, very organized, and extremely clean.

I liked that about him. The house was always clean, because he always made sure things were kept up. We usually cleaned up dinner together and such, but I was the one who did the laundry and wiped things down each day. Before I came along, Kyo used to get a maid to do it.

Though I hate to admit it, I got jealous quite easily and finally asked him if I could do the cleaning instead of having a maid come over. Even though he was dating me, a man, I knew he wasn't completely gay. He'd had girlfriends and boyfriends before, so I didn't really feel comfortable having a girl over at the house knowing she could be a potential threat.

It was ridiculous, but I loved him a lot. What was even worse was that he was a particularly good looking guy. His hair was nearly blonde, and he was tall. His smile, of course, was perfect and he had an amazing ability to charm people easily. That's probably what made me so afraid I would lose him to someone. 

 He was very generous and he had always treated me respectfully, which was really nice. Sometimes though, I sort of felt like a kid when I was around him. I was much shorter than him, and had brown hair that sort of went all over the place like a child's might. My appearance was a bit plain as well. In my eyes, at least. Kyo begged to differ though. He always told me,

'Aki, you shouldn't worry about how you look. You're stunningly cute.'

Which probably sounds odd, like he means it in a childish way. That wasn't how he said it though. He always made me feel better when I was upset about something. He really was absolutely perfect for me. We were friends for a good two years when we met, then he finally asked me out one day. 4 years later, we're still together. It's quite a long time, considering the fact that Kyo usually didn't hold relationships for that long. So, I figured we couldn't be broken that easily...then again, love is a powerful thing. I would always have to stay on my toes.

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