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We had decided on a little restaurant nearby, just to save time. We had eaten there before, and the food wasn't too bad. Kyo looked over his menu for a brief moment and then set it down. He was usually pretty quick to make decisions. I, however, stared at the menu for a good five minutes before finally choosing something. Kyo took my menu and lined it up with his own and placed them at the edge of the table.

"What did you decide on?" He asked me.

"Just pancakes and bacon." I replied as I glanced around the restaurant trying to spot the waitress. She suddenly came around the corner and walked over to our table. I watched as she smiled at us and pulled out her little booklet.

"Alright, have you decided?" She asked. Kyo and I gave her a yes. "What can I get for you then?"

"I'll take the eggs and bacon plate. I'd like the eggs to be sunny side up, please. Also, the toast it comes with, make it rye bread." I watched as the waitress scribbled down Kyo's quickly spoken and complete order. She turned to me next, and I said,

"Just pancakes and bacon please."

"Alright. I'll be back with the food when it's done." She gave us another smile as she walked away. She sure had a pretty smile. Kyo checked his phone and set it down on the table, then looked around for a moment. I watched as his eyes caught something behind me. it was brief, but I glanced behind me to see what it was.

A young woman sat a couple seats back with one of her friends. She was very pretty, that was for sure. Just as I thought that, a sharp pang of jealousy hit me, and irritation aroused. I looked back at Kyo. He wasn't looking at her anymore, but at me instead. I held back a sigh.

This always happened in public when I was with him. I knew that people would look at Kyo from time to time because he was a very attractive guy...but I hated it. He didn't belong to them, and I felt like that was reason enough for them to keep their eyes away from him. It was a ridiculous thing to feel, but I couldn't help it sometimes. I sipped my water and he smiled at me. His smiled faded away my frustration slightly, and I gave him a small smile in return.

"Aki." He said my name.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I love you." He said. I let out a small laugh and he gave me a weird look.

"What?" He asked. I shook my head and smiled brighter at him.

"Nothing. I love you too, Kyo."

The waitress finally came around with our food and she set the hot plates of deliciousness in front of us. We thanked her and she gave us a polite response and left to help out elsewhere. Kyo and I ate our breakfast somewhat quietly. Kyo was a little busy responding to his boss's emails to talk much. In any other situation I would probably have gotten frustrated with it, but I understood how his boss could be.

Suddenly, my own phone vibrated in my pocket. I slid it out and glanced at the screen. It was a text from the manager at the cafe. I sighed and look at my plate. It was only half finished, but the manager wanted me to come in right away. I tried convincing her to let me have a half hour longer, but she insisted that I go now to cover a shift for a sick waitress.

"...Um...Kyo?" I said a bit upset.

"Yes, Aki?" He responded as he looked up at me.

"Well...my manager called me in for work, and she isn't giving me any extra time. I'm going to have to go." I said. Kyo's face dropped a little and he sighed and shook his head.

"I'll do the shopping by myself then. Do you know when you'll be home?" He asked. I shook my head.

"It could be any time, honestly." I answered. he sighed again, but then looked at me and smiled. He stood and waited for me to get out of the booth. I slid out and looked up at him.

"Alright. I'll see you when you get home then."

I nodded and he leaned down and gave me a small kiss. It was a quick goodbye one, but it make me happy. A lot of men I had been with were afraid to display any type of affection in public, and it made me feel a little sad. Kyo had never been afraid to do that though. Just another thing that made him so wonderful.

I waved goodbye and hurried out the door. The cafe was closer to here than it was from home, so getting there took little time. I felt a little frustrated that I got called in when I was spending time with Kyo, but that's how this business ran. Sometimes they needed emergency cover shifts, and I was always available since I had no other job or kids or anything.

Sometimes that caused things like this to happen though. I'd see Kyo right after work at least.

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