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I woke up to an empty bed. I wasn't surprised, but that didn't mean I wasn't disheartened a little. I sat up and looked around. I was naked, and the only thing covering me was half the sheet. The rest of the bed was strewn alongside the bed on the floor. I'd have to wash these today too.

I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I took a long shower this morning since I didn't have any shifts to work today. Then again, I didn't have any shifts the other days either and I still got called in. That other waitress should be back at work by now.

Just as I was thinking that, my phone vibrated on the bathroom counter. I let out a long, deep sigh and slowly reached out, flicking extra water off my hands. I grabbed my phone and looked at the caller. It was Kyo. My mood lifted as I saw that it wasn't a work call. I quickly pressed the button to answer and put it on speakerphone. I didn't want to get the phone wet.

"Kyo?" I answered cheerfully.

"Hey Aki." He greeted. "Listen, I think I'm going to be home early today, so what do you say we go have dinner tonight?"

"I'd...I'd love that." I smiled even though he couldn't see it. "I would actually really love that."

"Good. I'll be home around 5, alright?" He said.

"Sure. I'll be ready." I responded. We hung up and I finished my shower happier than I was before. Afterwards, I got dressed in some nice clothes, even though I wouldn't be seeing him for a while. For a few hours, I just sort of messed around in the house reading books online or watching television. After a while of that, I decided I would clean the house to kill time. It was pretty clean already, but I figured I could scrub it down really well.

Unfortunately, when I went to get the cleaning supplies, we had hardly any left. I'd have to go down to the store and buy some. It was a good thing it was within walking distance. I threw on my coat and shoes, then headed out and down the sidewalk. It was cold outside, but not freezing.

After about ten minutes I finally reached the store. It was just a small one, but it had the things I needed. I entered the building and sighed with relief to find it warm inside. The cashier greeted me kindly and I responded back to him just as kind. As I made my way down the aisles, I grabbed the items I needed. When I finally had everything I needed, I headed to the cashier.

"Hello, Aki." The man greeted. I did a double take as I realized it was that guy again.

"Oh, hi." I smiled. I glanced at his outfit for a name tag, but I didn't see one. "I didn't realize it was you when I walked in." I laughed a little.

"That's okay." He laughed as well and began to scan the items. "How are you?"

"I'm good...just cleaning the house today." I answered as he scanned them one by one.

"Ah...that's gotta suck." He said.

"I don't really mind cleaning." I chuckled in response. "...have you always worked here?" I asked suddenly.

"Oh, no. It's just for a while. I like to try out different jobs all over the place, so I never work in one spot for long." He replied.

"I see...you should check out the cafe someday then. It's a great place to work." I smiled. He looked up at me and then gave me a smile back.

"Maybe I will." He said. I gave him the money for my items and before I left I said,

"I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name the other day."

"Oh, did I not tell you mine? Sorry." He laughed. "It's Katsuo."

"Katsuo? Well, it's nice to finally get your name." I smiled. He nodded and then gave me a polite goodbye.

Katsuo...he seemed like a pretty nice guy. It'd be nice to have someone like that around at the cafe, just to talk to and have help out. Sometimes, though I loved all the girls there, I got tired of never really having any guys to talk to.

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