the dream

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I fell asleep after trying to talk to Jeremy. The next thing i know was there was a ear pressing scream i looked around but all i could see is my reflection. I herd Jeremy voice the i turned he was exactly what  pictured him to look like  he had brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing boots and a t-shirt. He was sitting in a chair saying help me over and over again. Everything was spinning i could see me reflection every where and him saying help me. I don't know what it means. The next thing i know is i was surrounded by my kidnappers. All they where saying was we got you are mine know.

I woke up to a tapping at the wall. It was Jeremy all i could think of was that dream. I looked at the window that was high near the roof i saw a face of a man all he was doing was staring and saying something but i couldn't hear him. It looked like i have saw his face be for but i couldn't tell where from. I think the longer i am here the less i remember. I can barely remember anything know all i know is i have to be here for a reason for why i am here. And i will find out even if it kills me.

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