Chapter 13~Winter

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I got home and plopped down on the couch. I brought out my phone and went to my camera. I smile as I stare at a picture of me and Taurtis. I sigh and frown. I hope he gets home. I shiver and look out the window. I forgot it's winter. I smile. And December is coming up. That means Christmas. The doorbell rang repeatedly. I jump. I run to the door and Taurtis is there,panting. Blood is trickling down his face. I gasp and pull him in a hug.

"I thought you left me,"I say,trying to keep the tears in. I look at Taurtis. He looks hurt.

" is Yuki. That was the fortune,Sam!"Taurtis said. My eyes widen.


Taurtis grips my shoulders."Listen. That is what Ellen was talking about!Yuki is the one trying to break up our friendship! She's jealous, Sam!She could kill us!Or worse!You!"He starts sobbing. I comfort him.

"It's okay,"I say.

"No!It's not okay,Sam!We need to move! "Taurtis said.

"Don't get over yourself! Let's just take down our sign!She doesn't know where we live!"I say.

"I hope you are right,"Taurtis said,wiping away a tear.

"I'm sure I'm right!I'll take down the sign."I walk out and put down the sign. I lock all the doors and windows,pull down the blinds,and turn off all the lights.

"There!Now it will seem like we moved out quickly!"I said.

"WHERE THE HELL DID HE GO?!"Yuki's voice screamed outside. I pull Taurtis down so we aren't noticable.

"It looks like they moved,"a man's voice said. Yuki grumbled.

"We'll find them. And when I do,Sam will die!And Taurtis will be mine!"Yuki said. Their footsteps walked away.

I sigh with relief."See Taurtis?"He doesn't respond. I turn to look at Taurtis. He isn't looking so good. Blood is spilling into the floor,and his breathing is shallow.

"Shit!"I run to the bathroom and grab a first aid kit. I run back to Taurtis and wrap the wound that was on his side,and a wound on his head.

"What did she do to you?"I whisper. Taurtis fell asleep. I carry him to the room and get my hands clean. Then I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I sigh. Yuki. Of all people. The fortune. I should have seen it coming!"The stupid fortune!"I slam my hands against the counter. I sigh again and trudge to the bed. I lay down and stare at Taurtis sleeping like if he wasn't injured. I smile and take off his headphones. I put them on the nightstand on his side of the bed and kiss his forehead. He smiles and I smile. I lay back in bed and fall asleep.


"Sam!Sam!Wake up!It's snowing!Sam!"A young Taurtis shook a still sleepy Sam who just woke up. He rubbed his eyes and looked up at Taurtis and smiled.

"Snowing?!"Sam asks. Taurtis shakes his head yes.

The two boys jump up at down, then get dressed to go outside and play.

Taurtis smirks and collects snow to make a snowball while Sam was building the bottom to a snowman
Taurtis threw the snowball at Sam,and it hit the back of the bunny boy's head. Sam turned around and smirked evilly at Taurtis. He was holding a snowball.

"SNOWBALL FIGHT! "Taurtis said. The two had a little snowball fight until they were too tired. They finished building the snowman after a lunch break,but now they were tired.

"That was fun!"Taurtis said.

"It was!"Sam agreed.


The alarm startled Sam as he was dreaming of one of his childhood memories. He looked over at Taurtis,still sound asleep. Sam smiled. He was so cute!Sam frowned and sighed. He looked out the window. It was snowing! Sam frowned. He can't go to school in this condition. And Sam definitely didn't want to go to school because of Yuki. She could easily threaten him if she was looking for answers of where they "moved". Sam decided to call J and tell him everything,and to tell Okami that they were both sick. Yeah!That's what I I'll do! I look through my bag and take out my phone,dialing J's number.

"Jello?"(I thought that J would be the one to say that.XD)

"J-J?"I ask.

"Sam? What's wrong?"J asks me.

"Y-Yuki. She....she wants Taurtis. And sh-she wants to kill me!C-can you tell Okhami that we aren't coming to school?Taurtis is hurt and....and I don't want to go to school knowing Yuki would stalk me...... and tell Grian that we aren't coming either. He must've left an hour ago...."I say.

"Yeah!He's with me!We walked to my house. And....uhm......did I tell you how cute he was?"J said. My eyes widened.

"What?!Oh my God. J!Why didn't you tell me you were gay as well?!"I ask.

"Weeeeeellllllll.....I wanted it to wait....I didn't know Grian was coming,and well....some things happened and.....we are together......and.....yeah!Got to go!Bye!"

"Wait!"He hung up. I sigh and them smile and shake my head.

(And this is supposed to be Sam X Taurtis. GRIAN AND J ARE NOT GOING ALONG WITH THE SCRIPT.
Grian:but you're the one who changed it!...........oh.....)

Well. That settles it!I look down at Taurtis and smile. I hope he'll be alright. We can play in the snow like old times.

Don't worry.It's 2:00 in the morning and I am uploading this. It may be short,sorry.:/

You're My Prince In Headphones(A Samgladiator X Taurtis Fanfic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now