Chapter 3

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Sophie's POV

I woke up and looked at my phone it was 11am and I didn't have work today, so I got out of bed and headed for the kitchen.
"Good morning" Beth said cheerfully
"Morning" I said while getting out a bowl, milk and some cereal.
I jump onto the counter cross my legs and start eating my cereal.
"So are you doing anything today?" I ask hoping she says no, so we can do some shopping.
"Em no, I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come into town with me"
"Yeah" I finished of my cereal and went and got ready.
Once I came out the shower I dryed my hair put on my makeup and pulled on some clothes black high waisted ripped skinny jeans, a white crotchet crop top, navy blue (almost black) jacket from topshop and my white high top converse. Then we went out. After about 2 hours of shopping we decided to go in to Nandos for lunch.
She took us to our table and we sat down and decided what we wanted. Once we had ordered I told Beth that I had left my phone charger here last night and that I was going to go get it.

Beths POV

Sophie had just left to go get her phone charger, I looked up and saw this one guy about the same age as me his friend look at our table then talk to his friends I decided not to say anything because Sophie was coming back and she gets embarrassed easily.
"Did you get it"
She held up her charger and smiled, then our food came. As I was eating I noticed that the guy and his friend where now looking at Sophie
"Soph" I whispered
"Yeah" she replied
"Those guys behind us keep on looking at us"
Sophie turns around to look at them then turns back really quickly,
She tells me that that's the guy who gave her his number yesterday. Then I saw another guy about to sit down, she asks me to describe him so I do, once I was finished she starts to get excited.

Sophie's POV

When Beth started to describe Simon I got butterfly's
"Beth I think that's him"
"Really? We need to get his attention or something"
"No!!!! What if he doesn't like me the way I like him then it's just awkward" I managed to keep Beth from saying anything.
"He will everybody loves you"
I stand up from my chair and turn around to get my jacket on, kinda hoping he realise me, I try to take a while putting on my jacket but he must have been so into his food or something.
"You ready to go?" Beth asked me
"I'm just gonna nip to the toilet" I walk to the toilet before I get there though someone grabs my arm, I get a fright and turn round, it's Simon.

Simons POV

"Sorry did I give you a fright?"
"Yeah just a little" she giggles
"Anyway after yesterday I realised that I really like you" Sophie turned red
"I like you to" she smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear, her smile was the cutest smile you will ever see.
"Can I have your number?" I asked, she takes a pen out her bag, takes my hand and writes her number on it and puts my hand down.
"Bye" she said while smiling and turning around then she walked off. I was honestly amazed at how amazingly beautiful she was.

Sophie's POV

When we left Nandos Beth got a text from jay saying that he was finished in the gym and asked if she wanted to go over to his, she was t going to go but I told her just to go and that i would be okay, so Beth got a taxi and I started to walk home it was a 30 minute walk and it was pouring with rain but I had no money on me and I forgot my card so I guess I would have to walk home without a hood. I had only been walking about 10 minutes and I was already drenched from head to toe. I was walking down a quite road when I heard someone shout my name. I turned around it was Harry, he signalled me to come into his car. I got in.

Harry's POV

"Hey" she said getting in
"Why are you walking alone in the pouring ran?" He asked me
"Beth went to Jays and I had no money on me and I forgot my card"
"I can take you home if you want" I offered
"Yes please" she said
We got to the building car park and got in the lift, I could literally see Sophie chittering.
"Do you want my hoodie?" I offered
"No it's okay, when I go home I'm going for a shower"
We made small talk in the elevator until it got to our floor. *bing* we waited for the doors to open then walked out and to our own apartments.
"Bye Soph"
"Byeeee Harold" she replied while walking in her place and shutting the door behind her.

Sophie's POV

I got into the flat and instantly got out of my clothes and went for a shower. When I was in the shower all I could think about was Simon and how sweet he seemed, all my other boyfriends I had ever had where either not respectful of girls or would cheat on me, Maybe Simons the same as them but I don't think he is I can just tell!

When I got out my long shower I decided to put on my cosy pyjamas make some popcorn and watch some episodes of pretty little liars in the living room. I was 30 minutes into an episode when my phone buzzed, it was a text from Simon
Simon- hey, I only just got round to texting you because I had a lot of work things to sort out ☺️
Sophie- it's okay x
Simon- I was wondering if you wanted to do something tommorow? Unless your busy x
Sophie-Yeah, that would be nice, what do you have I mind 😋
Simon- We could go into town if you want? 😎
Sophie- yeah that's a great idea x
Simon- I can pick you up at one if you want? x
Sophie- yeah my apartment block is (A/N I don't know the address of Harry's place soooo yeah) x
Simon-okay see you tommorow then x
Sophie-yeah looking forward to it x

Well that was my day sorted for tomorrow. I'm so excited, but I still have a full night to go do just now I'm going finish watching this then go to bed.

Hey guys so sorry again that my chapters are quite long that's just how I write ( i  like to get all the details in ) If you liked this make sure to like the chapter and comment if you want to ask anything xx

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