Chapter 6

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Sophie's POV

I woke up to an iPhone camera going off, I was still abit sleepy so I didn't think much of it and tried to get back to sleep, then Simons phone was buzzing every two seconds and he woke up. I looked up at him
"Morning" he said in a sexy morning voice.
"Morning, your phone was going off like mad" I told him
"I know I heard it" he smiled and hugged me tighter, after about a minute of us just cuddling he reached over and saw that JJ had tweeted a picture of me and Simon in bed
'Look who's not Mr Lonely anymore'
"JJ-jjjjjjjj" Simon shouted giving me a fright. I heard thudding in the hall it was almost as if JJ was skipping but he was so heavy footed. He walked into the room and grinned at Simon, I was now lying on my back trying to avoid eye contact with JJ.
"Delete the tweet" Simon demanded
"There isn't much point thousands of people...."
"Delete it" Simon interrupted JJ
"Okay, Okay" JJ got his phone out his pocket pressed some buttons then showed Simon his phone.
"There happy?" JJ laughed
"Yes, now shit the door on your way out" JJ skipped it the room.
"What was that about?" I asked confused
"Nothing" Simon sighed, I didn't believe that it was nothing, but I didn't want to question him. We stayed in bed for about 30 minutes more then we went downstairs. Josh was sitting in the kitchen with a girl who was also in her pyjamas.
"Sophie this is Freya, Josh's girlfriend" Simon introduced.
"Hello" I smiled
"Did you see JJ's tweet" Josh asked Simon, I looked at Simon he was shaking his head and his eyes where open really wide but when I looked at him he stopped and smiled at me.
"What did JJ tweet?" I asked getting a little bit frustrated
"Nothing it was just about how we are gonna record tonight, so it was Josh" he lied
"Yeah" I saw Freya look at Josh and shake her head. We sat in the kitchen for a while just talking and eating, then I remembered that I had work at 3pm and that I needed to go home and get ready, so Simon offered to drive me home and we both got ready.
"Bye Josh" I popped my head in the kitchen door, he had his mouth full but he still waved.
"Bye Freya," i waved again
"Bye, nice meeting you!"
"You too!" I replied
Me and Simon got in his car and he took me home.
"Do you want me to come up?" He asked
"No it's fine, you'll get wet" I smiled, I opened the door of his car.
"Hey, I've had a really nice weekend" he smiled
"Yeah me too" I smiled and looked at my feet. He held my face and kissed me, I blushed. it was amazing I hadn't ever felt this way about another guy, I pulled away and got out his car smiling because I was just so happy, when I got to my building I waved once more and he left.
I knocked on the door praying that Beth was in. She answered.
"Where have you been" she hugged me.
"Well you where at jays and I had left my keys on the table to I stayed at a friends, but I'm in a rush because I have to got to work in an hour and a half" I explained
"I can take you to work, saves you from getting the train?" Jay asked me from the kitchen.
"Yeah that would be great thanks!" I went to my room and got ready for work, Jay was waiting for me in the car.
I opened his door.
"Have you got everything?" He asked
"Yeah" I smiled
My work was about a 15 minute drive away and we where five minutes into the drive and we where stuck in traffic.
"Stupid fucking London traffic" I raged
"Ino, honey it's okay we will get there on time" he winked at me. I don't like it when he calls me honey, he's always really weird around me.
"So how has your day been?" I asked just being polite.
"Better now that I'm alone with you!" He put his hand on my thigh.
"What are you doing?" I panicked
"Come on Sophie, don't play the innocent card on me I know you like me" he leaned in for a kiss.
"Fuck off! What do you think your doing?" When I said that the traffic started moving and he was forced to back off, when the car stopped I couldn't have got out there quick enough.
"Bye babe" he shouted as I shut the door. What was he thinking I'm his girlfriends best friend...I'm also only 19 he's 26, it's just creepy.
Time skip to after her work
I just got the train home today I was not getting back in a car with Jay. When I got home Beth begged me to watch a movie with her and Jay, I didn't want to considering what had happened in the car but Beth begged me so I couldn't say no! Half way through the film Beth needed the toilet so it was just me and Jay and to be honest I had kinda forgotten about what had happened earlier on, but he was still at it this time he was stronger.
"So Sophie you never even thanked me today" he held me down, Jay went to the gym a lot so he was really strong and big where as I'm only small and skinny I have no muscle at all. Before I could say anything he started to kiss me, I was trying to fight him off but Beth walked in.
"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING" Jay jumped off of me and slapped me, I held my cheek.
"This little slag tried to get with me!"
"YOU WHAT?" Beth shouted at me, I was still holding my cheek holding back tears.
"Beth....I swear.....he forced himself on me, I tried to fight him off but he's to strong!" I pleaded
"Fucking bullshit, your a dirty slut looking for a boyfriend" Beth sneered
"What? Beth you believe him?"
She looked me up and down, and went over to Jay and he put his arm around her.
"Sophie do us all a favour and leave" Beth demanded, by this point I was in tears, I ran to my room got out a rucksack and packed some of my stuff; clothes, Makeup, Toiletries stuff like that grabbed my phone and purse and keys and stormed out the flat still with my uniform on! I sat at the stairs for a while wondering what to do I eventually phoned Simon.
*ring* *ring* *ring*
Hi, Simon it's me can you pick me up please?
Yeah, what's wrong?
I'll explain later, can I stay at yours for a while
Yeah sure, I need to go to tesco, so will I pick you up first?
Yeah that's fine, thank you so much
I'll see you in a bit
I hung up, I was still sitting on the stairs waiting to see Simons cars, he showed up and I ran to his car,
"Sophie what's wrong?" He asked, u started to cry.
"Sophie?" He pulled me into a hug. He calmed me down and made me explain the story.
"Why didn't she believe you?" He asked once I was finished explaining.
"I don't know I've been her friend for like 4 years!" I sobbed, we where still outside my building.
"What happened to your cheek it's got a scratch on it?" Simon asked touching my cheek.
"Did Beth hit you?" He assumed
"No Jay did!"
"What! He hit you. A girl 7 years younger than you about half his height and weight and he slapped you?"
"Is it sore?" Simon asked genuinely concerned.
"It did at the time but it's okay now" I smiled
"That's it your staying with me."
"I don't want to cause you trouble I know your busy and stuff!"
"It's fine honestly the guys will understand"
Time skip to after tesco 😂
We weren't far from Simons house when he looked at me and smiled!
"What?" I giggles
"Well, I meant to ask you this earlier..."
"........" I waited
"But will you be my girlfriend?" When I heard him ask this I forgot about all that had happened. I was speechless.
"Yesssss" I shouted, we both laughed, I waited till a traffic light and I hugged him. He was so comforting to hug. We got back to his and he explained to the guys about my situation and they where all really understanding, they all gave me a hug a greeted me into their home after that I was really tired so me and Simon went to his room, he went to his desk to edit a video and I just got into my pyjamas and went to sleep.

I need ideas for this story, I just kinda write what I think and I hate doing that because I'm scared it will end up going nowhere :) Also sorry if there is spelling mistakes I'm sorry I got my nails done and they are longer than usual 😂

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