Chapter Twenty-Three: An Unexpected Horror

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The other dwarves and I whirl around and see a spider pulling Kili away by the foot. A female Elf, Tauriel, runs through the forest. She kills three spiders with her bow and knife, then kills the spider pulling Kili with an arrow. She turns to attack another spider behind her, and yet another spider rushes toward Kili.

"Throw me your dagger! Quick!" Kili yells

"If you think I'm giving you a weapon, dwarf, you're mistaken!" She-elf says

Tauriel kills her spider with her knife, then spins and throws the knife, killing the spider that was attacking Kili. Kili looks on in amazement.

"Search them," Blondie says

The elves approach the dwarves and start searching them. An elf confiscates two of Fili's knives. Legolas pulls a picture frame with two pictures out of Gloin's pocket.

"Hey! Give it back! That's private!" Gloin protests

Legolas looks at a picture of a dwarf.

"Who is this? Your brother?" Legolas asks

"That is my wife!" Gloin says

Legolas looks at the other picture, which is of a dwarf child.

"And what is this horrid creature? A goblin mutant?" Legolas asks

"That's my wee lad, Gimli." Gloin replies

Legolas raises his eyebrow at Gloin in contempt.

Meanwhile, the elf searching Fili finds, even more, knives all around his person. Fili sighs when the elf finds even some in a secret hidden pocket.

"Gyrth in yngyl bain?" Legolas asks

 "Ennorner gwanod in yngyl na nyryn. Engain nar." Tauriel says

Fili opens his jacket to show the elf searching him that he has no knives left; however, the elf finds another one hidden in Fili's hood. An elf hands Legolas Thorin's sword, Orcrist, and he inspects it.

"Echannen i vegil hen vin Gondolin. Magannen nan Gelydh." Legolas says

"Where did you get this?" Legolas asks

"It was given to me," Thorin says

Legolas points the sword at Thorin.

"Not just a thief, but a liar as well," Legolas says

"Legolas, she won't let anyone search her and her wolf isn't helping either" An elf says

Legolas approaches me and Meira, Meira growls and Legolas sends an arrow into her side, she whimpers and falls to the ground. I look at her in horror and scream.

"Meira! No!" I yell and lunge at Legolas

"You snake how could you!" I sob, I rush to my pet and hold her head in my lap and sob, her breathing is shallow. Kili comes and joins me.

"Meira, don't die on me! Please" I sob, Kili tries to comfort me but it doesn't help, I snarl at Legolas. I watch as my loyal pets eyes close and listen as her heart stops.

"NO! NO!" I scream, I turn and lunge at Legolas again but elves grab me, I scratch at them.

"Let me go! I'm going to kill him! You killed her!" I scream, Legolas smirks

"Enwenno hain!" Legolas orders.

The elves begin to lead us away. I fight to get back to my dead pet, but am dragged by the elves. As we begin to walk, Bofur turns and whispers to Thorin

"Thorin, where's Bilbo?" Bofur asks Thorin

Thorin looks around but sees no sign of Bilbo.

The Company is led over a bridge and into the Woodland Realm. After we pass through, Legolas addresses the guards of the gate.

"Holo in ennyn." Legolas says

We are led through the raised wooden walkways of the Woodland Realm. The entire place is built out of tree roots in a subterranean cavern.

The other dwarves are pushed, protesting, into several cells.

"This is not the end of it! You hear me?" Dwalin says

"Let us out of here!" Gloin says

"Get off me!" Dori says

The elf in charge of Fili finds another large dagger hidden in his coat, and Fili sighs in frustration.

"Kili!" I yell as they try to separate us

"Raign! Let go you snakes!" Kili yells

"Tauriel, they won't stop fighting to get to each other," An elf says

"Put them together," Tauriel says

The elves shove me and Kili into the same cell, Kili holds me tightly and I sob.

"Shhh love I have you," Kili says

Dwalin and several other dwarves throw themselves against their cell doors, grunting in their effort. Balin finally yells at them.

"Leave it! There's no way out. This is no Orc dungeon; these are the halls of the Woodland Realm. No one leaves here but by the king's consent." Balin says

Meanwhile, Thorin has been brought before King Thranduil, and Thranduil addresses him.

Suddenly mine and Kili's cell door opens and an elf drags me away from my mate.

"Kili!" I yell

"Raign! Let her go!" I hear Kili yell

Moments later I am thrown on the ground in front of the one person I hoped to never see again, King Thranduil of the Woodland Realm. I snarl as he approaches me.

"Welcome back worthless scum, ready to have some fun?" He says with a sickening smirk forming on his lips.

(A/N: Sorry for a short chapter, the next will be longer and most likely in third person because it will work better that way. Hope you enjoyed this one, please don't hate me)


Gyrth in yngyl bain - Are the spiders dead?

Ennorner gwanod in yngyl na nyryn. Engain nar. - Yes, but more will come. They're growing bolder.

Echannen i vegil hen vin Gondolin. Magannen nan Gelydh. - This is an ancient Elvish blade. Forged by my kin.

Enwenno hain! - Take them!

Holo in ennyn. - Close the gate.

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