Chapter Twenty-Nine: Bard's House

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"You can tell the Master that I'm done for the day," Bard says

Inside the house, Bard's daughters, Sigrid and Tilda, greet their father.

"Da! Where have you been?" Tilda asks

"Father! There you are. I was worried." Sigrid says

Both daughters run to their father, and they hug. Bard then hands his bag to Sigrid.

"Here's something to eat. Bain, get them in."

As Bard looks out a window, Destin and I climb through the window, the girls look shocked but seem to recognize my brother. Bain goes down some steps to the lower floor of the house, which is open to the water. After looking around, he knocks on the wall near the toilet three times. Dwalin's head appears through the toilet, which is open to the water below.

"If you speak of this to anyone, I'll rip your arms off," Dwalin says

Dwalin raises the seat and begins to pull himself out of the toilet. Bain reaches out to help him, but Dwalin slaps his hand away.

"Get off," Dwalin says, I roll my eyes at him shivering.

"Up there," Bain says

Bain points up the stairs, and Dwalin goes up. Bilbo pokes his head up through the toilet, looking flabbergasted, and Bain helps him out. The rest of the dwarves follow and head upstairs.

"Da...why are there dwarves climbing out of our toilet?" Sigrid asks

"Will they bring us luck?" Tilda asks I smile slightly

Nori emerges from the toilet with some leaves stuck to his hair.

The other dwarves are wrapped in blankets, and their wet things have been laid in front of the fire to dry. Some of them shiver.

"It may not be the best fit, but it'll keep you warm," Bard says

Tilda passes out blankets, and Bilbo thanks her when he receives one.

"Thank you very much," Bilbo says

Thorin looks out a window and sees a wooden tower not far away. Atop the tower is a windlass, a giant cross-bow type weapon with four arms. Thorin looks at it in shock.

"A Dwarvish Wind-Lance," Thorin says

Bilbo, who is sipping a hot drink from a mug, looks at the wind-lance too.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Bilbo remarks

"He has. The last time we saw such a weapon, a city was on fire. It was the day the dragon came." Balin says

Thorin looks sadly away.

"The day that Smaug destroyed Dale. Girion, the Lord of the city, rallied his Bowman to fire upon the beast. But a dragon's hide is tough, tougher than the strongest armor. Only a black arrow, fired from a wind-lance, could have pierced the dragon's hide, and few of those arrows were ever made. His store was running low when Girion made his last stand." Balin says

"Had the aim of Men been true that day, much would have been different," Thorin says

Bard approaches Thorin.

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