"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING" Ray questioned. After my meeting with grams, she decided to follow me to Ray's house and help pack some of my stuff. We entered the house to find mom passed out on the chair and Ray sitting on the love sit smoking cigarettes. He jumped up when he saw grams in the house with me. Our eyes met and I can see the fear he his eyes, letting me know that he knew what I had done, and even though I didn't regret telling grandma about how he treated me,it was a weight lifted off my chest, I can feel my heart beating fast. I was scared of him, he still had that power to scare me even when I knew he wouldn't try to do anything with grams here.
"Mia is moving out that's what's up" Grams answer with a hint of disgust in her voice,"and I would appreciate it if you move out the way. we need to pack some of "personal items"'.
"you have no right to do that and as her guardian I'm telling you to that she's not moving anywhere"
"need I remind you what's been going on in case you've forgotten" the look on Ray's face communicates that he didn't need to be reminded. "now if you'll excuse me" Grams finishes and moved past him, walking straight into my room, living me and the evil beast in the living room.
"you stupid girl!" Ray yelled, his nose flaring in anger. "you just got to call yo' fathers mama to save you huh. Well let me tell you somethin' you ain't never gon to be save you little piece of shit." he spat and I flinched at his words.
"Well I should also tell you a piece of my mind, I've been saved as long as I don't have to live with you anymore" I spat feeling a surge of confidence consuming me.
"and she doesn't have to worry about coming back here because once she leaves here, she is never coming back" Grams interrupted.
"I could have you arrested where you stand!" he exclaimed " You don't have the right to take over as her guardian"
"Oh please do so. I would gladly revealed to the cops as to what's been going on" Ray's face paled "You are very lucky that I'm not the one calling the cops to arrest you right now. You have Mia to thank for that" facing me, she said,"lets go"
"What's going on" My sleep deprived mother murmured "what are you doing here" she said fully waking up.
"What happen to you Evelyn. How did you come to be like this" Grams ask calmly, but I can't detect a hint of disappointment and anger on her voice.
"I-I don't know what y-you're talking about" She lied trying to look confused
"You don't damn well what I'm talking about", she yelled," You are never like this, Evelyn". She sighed and, "I missed him too you know. He was my son after all", looking her straight in the eye "Losing him does not give you the excuse to your actions and you are very lucky that I'm not calling the police to arrest you now" She slung her bag over her shoulder and looking at me"Lets go, Mia"
"she's my daughter and I love her" My mother cried out
"you don't"
"You can't tell me what I know and what I don't know!"
"you're I can't but there is one thing I know that you don't know. I no that a mother should never turn her back on her own child. A mother should never have to leave her own child on someone else's hand" she said looking at the evil beast"and that is exactly what you have done, Evelyn. You have abandoned your very own daughter and I say mother, I must say that act is unacceptable" and with that she left, leaving me alone with my mother and the evil beast.
"Don't do this, Mia" she said, tears spilling down her cheeks.
"you said you love me, but you stopped loving me when dad died and-"

Teen FictionMia Woods has been living a troubled life for most of her lives, she stop believing in hope and love. "There is no such thing as faith" or so she thought. Her step father, Ray abused her and when she told her sweet calming grandmother what's been go...