Chapter 3

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Once we arrive at The Milestone Hotel, we parked right in front of the entrance I left the car and went straight up the steps a man in a black suit and black hat greeted me at the double door which leads to the straight to the reception where a pretty lady with dull brown eyes is giving a man his room key, once she is done with him my father enters the reception area with our bags.

"Good Morning, miss" he says with a smile, she smiles back

"Morning, sir, how may I help you?" she says, I notice how she has a thick slab of make up on her face and an off shade of orange lipstick

"I would like to check in please its two rooms, under the name of La Adore?" he says

"Are you people French? You, sir, don't sound French?" she asks as she types in our surname and checks for our room keys

"No, we aren't but my grandfather was, we are from South Africa?" I say as she hands my father our room keys, she looks at me and nods

"Oh you're a beautiful young lady, I bet all the guys have tried to ruffle your feathers, haven't they?" she says with a mischievousness smile, I notice a she has crooked teeth

I stare at her mortified that she had brought up my love life in front of my father, who looks utterly shocked and has a rosy pink cheeks

"Um, no actually and thanks for our room keys" I said and its true back home no guys ever looked in my direction , never had my first kiss never even had a guy hug me asides from family but that doesn't count and I've never even been in love.

"Oh well that's their loss ain't it?" she says with a kind smile "BERNI!!" she yells

"Yes, miss" says a very hansome man with blonde hair and icy blue eyes, he starts to pick up our luggage like his done this countless times

"Their rooms are 26A and 29A, levels 2" she says without looking up from her computer , as we leave the reception area towards the elevator I hear the phone ring , she picks up.

"Good Morning, this is The Milestone Hotel, how may I help you ....... Oh Mr. Lockwood ......yes, just on time ...... they've just checked in ...... the girl, oh she's-" before I could listen on the elevator doors close.

"Hey Keira, I've got a meeting in about an hour and won't be back until 6:30, so order room service and get plenty of rest cause, gosh, kid you look like the walking dead okay?" my father says with a ghost smile on his face and for those few seconds he seemed like the father I know and love before my mother left.

"Ha Ha, good one go anymore you'd like to stay before we go our separate ways" I say dryly but I can feel a smile on my face

"Uh, yes" he bends his head so that his chin sits on my shoulder and whispers "don't forget to brush your teeth and comb your hair" I gasp

I turn to face him full on with a puzzled facial expression, he turns to his side and I can see my reflection for the first time since yesterday I nearly faint. I have bags under my eyes and the green in my eyes I inherited from my mother have become dull and lifeless but what gets me is my hair, it's all knotted and my curls have all frizzed uncontrollably luckily I put on my alas band before I left the plane.

I say goodbye to my father just outside the elevator and go with Jake who's 19 and fresh out of high school and is working here to earn extra money to go to college, as we go towards my room we walk in silence not the awkward type of silence but a comfortable one as I admire the building and as he looks for my room number.

"Here you go, miss" he says and as he leaves he winks at me, I blush and quickly enter my room and lock the door.

I lean against the door with my eye close and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, I open them and turn around its beautiful it's got a mini Samsung television on a cupboard with a pvr there is also a desk with a telephone and a book with the room service number and menu. I walk out the French doors leading towards the balcony there's not really a view but the pale blue sky and the dull sun is still something I turn around to get my bags which have been left just inside the room, and go into the bed room.

"OH.MY.GOSH!!" I squeal and jump onto the soft queen sized bed, it's got a princess vibe to it with the four posts and the pink-orange theme is just perfect.

After all my excitement has left my system and I've calmed down I turn on the shower and as that happens I take out my short pajama pants that has '36' written on the left side, long top that says "yeah" , my undies and lay them on the bed.

I go into the bath room and strip leaving my dirty clothes on the counter under the picture frame and next to the extra hand towels , I hop into the shower and just let the hot water relax my muscles after 3 minutes I start to soap down my body then shampoo and condition my hair . Once I'm done showering I put on the towel/robe on and put an extra towel on my wet hair.

"Ah, now I feel so much better" I say as I wipe down the mirror

I start unpacking my face wash, tooth brush and tooth paste I squirt some face wash into my hand and look up into the mirror. I can see my tanned skin being part white and part coloured I've always seen myself as an awkward in-between and my hazel green eyes with a blue ring which surrounds my eyes, they've always been what caught the attention of others.

I sigh , but continue to wash my face and brush my teeth I walk out of the bathroom towards my clothes but I hear a knock at the door , I go to the door and open it to my surprise it turned out my father already order me lunch. I said my thanks and gave a tip to the lady.

I could smell the pizza from even under the lid, I first got dressed and put my curly hair into a messy bun. I got the tray from the living room into the bedroom, after I finished the pizza I put the tray by the coffee table in the living room and went back to the bed, once I checked the time on the clock by the door I realized its only 11:30 am.

I lay down on the soft plush bed and looked out the window all I can hear is the birds chirping and the cars on the other side of the hotel, it comes to me that I haven't called Aunty Jade but before I can attempted to go get the phone a wave of exhaustion comes over me and I'm out like a light.

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