Chapter 6

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After they watched Hoshi was flirting with Daea,they decided to play, the truth or dare game.

Lee Daea's pov

"So,who wants to start the game?" The guy with the kind of gentleman image said.

I don't know the half of them,so don't blame me on this.

Suddenly,I heard someone's clapping. Its from that Diva guy.

"Let me, MC Boo decides who will start first." He smirks.

Oh god this is not good.

"Hah! Mingyu-ssi? Truth or dare?" He smirks at Mingyu and then look at me.

"Truth?" Mingyu said.

Seungkwan and that guy looked like has sunshine behind him start to smile at each other.

Creepy smile. Gosh. Dino please help me out of here.

"Do you have a crush on someone?" Seungkwan asked.

"Oh its obviously W-"

"EXCEPT Wonwoo. Gosh Mingyu,please." Seungkwan cut his off.

"No one?" Mingyu said,looking at me.? He's looking towards me right? I don't know though.

"Yeah right. How about her? She's a girl..wait,she is right?" The sunshine guy said,pointing at me.

"What the f-"

"Ohh no cursing,little girl.!" A guy that came out from nowhere,shut my mouth by using his hand,as he looks like he gives me a backhug.

"Yah,Joshua hyung! Get your hands off!" Dino yelled,eventhough,he just sits in front of me.

I facepalm at him.

"Okay okay. I let go geez,protective maknae." The gentleman guy,who was shutting my mouth just now left.

"GUYS! Cut it off! The game just started!" MC Boo yelled at us.

"So,its your turn,Dino's twin." He refers to me.

"What? Me? No." I said,crossing my arms.

"Just choose,darling." Vernon,the flirty guy said to me,this time.

I rolled my eyes at him as Seungkwan gave his fake vomit to the both of us.

"Fine. Dare." I randomly choose it.

The others are looking at me as their listened from my mouth.

"What? It just a game." I confessed,acting calm.

"Sleep with Hoshi,tonight.Can you?" Seungkwan gave me that terrible dare while hugging Hoshi by his shoulders.

"Thats it. He's really want to be killed by me." I mumbled to myself.

"What did you say,dear?"

I turn to my left and it's a guy with long hair.? Wow,I love his hair.

"U-..uhh nothing." I stuttered.

He smiled at me. Urgh why I didn't know his name?

Suddenly someone whispers something to me,on my right.

"I'll help you,kill that Diva."

I turn to my right.oh right,he was the one that Dino had said,the 'shortest guy' in the group. He's cute.

"I'll lend you my guitar,if you want?"

Dino's Twin? (Seventeen Imagine) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now