Chapter 46

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Hi everyone!  This is me, your authornim, the worst person ever hehe.  I'm sorry for not updating. I was busy with some college stuff because I just got into new environment and also got some new friends and also mid term exams, finals which is just ended on 9 January 2018. Oh happy new year to all of you! I will try to update often because I already on my semester break yay!!

Enjoy this chapter and I did read all of your comments, aww you guys are so cute. Thank you for reading this book


Daea's pov

"Dude, stop sneezing above my head!"

The members that were here since morning,which one of them is Mingyu, he is helping me by doing my hair, and for Jun and Woozi went through the wardrobe that I shared with Soonyoung because they want to pick an outfit for me, while Joshua is busy searching for my makeup tools and for Jeonghan, he is doing something pretty with my fingernails. 

"Junnie and Woozi! Please don't make a mess or Soonyoung will get mad." I shouted and Mingyu keeps telling me, to not move my head. Ugh this is annoying.

At first, Soonyoung wants me to sleep in his room but that room, he shared it with the other members so I found it uncomfortable so he moved his ass to my room and also put his clothes in my wardrobe.

"Awwww honey, look at your fingernails are so cute, I painted it with the colour of rose quartz and serenity." He just proud with himself. I look at him with my weird ass face.

"Josh, you don't need to do makeup for me-"


Well, he sounds really excited about it and I'm scared, because I DONT' BELIEVE ANYONE OF THEM except for Seungkwan because he really does a professional with all of these. They asked me to get ready, but they are the one who gets more excited than me what the funk. 

"So, sweetheart, are you ready to be beautiful and looks smoking hot for Kwon Soonyoung?"

oh my lord, what have you done to jisoo?

Suddenly, Jeonghan hits Joshua's head, then he says,

"Yah, pabo. Don't teach her anything dirty. Just make her looks natural and cute. She's only 17, for god sake, Jisoo."

"I know, I was kidding, geez." Joshua rubs at the spot where he got hit.


After a few minutes, I finally done. To be honest, it's not that bad actually. I don't know where they got this cute white dress which is not too long and for the hair, well done I guess to Mingyu, he did a cute little bun to my hair. For the make up, Joshua did well too.

"Oh my, she grew up so well." Jeonghan starts to sound like my mom.

"She's not living with us for that quite long,hyung." Jun said and he got hit by Jeonghan after that.

"Well, she becomes more prettier since she lives with us." Mingyu said, smiling towards me. I saw that because of the reflection on the mirror.

My face starts to blush, oh my.

"Yah,Ming. Soonyoung will kill you if he heard that from your mouth." Woozi said while bringing a pair of white shoes for me to wear.

Woozi came towards me and put white shoes on the floor next to me.

"Let me put it on for you." Woozi smiled.

He's so cute aw


"Have fun with Soonyoung, little kid." Woozi pinched my cheeks and winked.

"Okay, let's go! Hoshi hyung, can't wait to see you!" Mingyu said and all of us will be going to the place that I'm the only one didn't know where is it.


We finally arrived but where's Soonyoung?

Woozi is the one,holding my hand and carefully take me to the place while I closed my eyes shut.

"Jihoonie, where are we?"

"Shh, be quiet or else I will leave you here."

Woozi suddenly stops and let go of my hand.

"Wait here and don't worry, your Soonyoung will be here." Woozi said and left.

Why it feels so cold?
Thanks for made me wearing a short dress, boys. Ugh

Suddenly, I heard a song has been played. I slowly open my eyes and I saw a huge stage with a big screen, showing an orange hair guy. He's Kwon Soonyoung and he's dancing. Wait, is this his debut single album that he wants me to be the first person to watch it?

I'm disappointed to be honest after the video is ended. I thought I will be seeing a hot performance on that freaking huge stage but I only got to see it only in a video. I want to see it live, what a tease.

"Do you like it, jagiya?"

I got startled by the voice and I heard giggles from him.

"You scared me, gosh Soonyoung."

"I'm sorry, pretty girl." He wants to give me hug but I quickly stop him from doing that.

"Whyyyyyyy?" He starts to whine like a baby.

"I thought I'm gonna get a live performance. What was that?" I pouted.

"I don't want to get sweaty shit."

"Why? Sweats is good for you-"

"Because, I want to do this." He hugged me as he cut my words. Damn you,Soonyoung.

"I like this smell on you, is it strawberry scent?" He asked as he put his face on my exposing shoulder,to smell it more. He's weird.

"Why do you smell as same as Jihoon?" He whispered but I can heard him well, duh obviously it's Jihoon's perfume.

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