Chapter 28

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Daea's pov

Finally, both of us arrived at Seventeen's dorm and of course we wore mask.

As I entered,

"DAEA WHERE HAV- who the hell are you?" Hoshi was shouting and suddenly asked my cousin with those rude expression.

I chuckled.

"So Daea, this is your so called boyfriend?" Yoongi smirks.

Heol this will be fun

I went to Yoongi and linked my arms with Yoongi.

"Oppa, let's go and meet my brother."

Yoongi look at me with what-the-hell-are-you-doing-look.

I give puppy eyes towards him. And he says, "ah, let's go babe."


I take a glance at Hoshi, he looks like he doesn't breathing, god he's cute!

Seungkwan and Seokmin were the one with Hoshi. And yes, they saw what happened.

Seokmin waves his hand infront of Hoshi while Seungkwan's poking Hoshi's cheek.

As we want to go and see my twin brother. We meet with Woozi.

Awwwwww dad and son finally met!

"Hi Daea! Hm who is he?" Woozi asked me while he's looking towards Yoongi up and down.


I'm being dramatic as always.

"Yah, shut up." Yoongi said as he pulled me to him and covered my mouth.

"I'm sorry she's crazy. I'm Yoongi by the way, you can call me Suga if you want."

Woozi nods and leave without introduce himself. Wow Woozi.

I hit his stomach using my elbow.

He whines in pain.

"Yah! Why he just leave like that?"

Yoongi laughs.

"Maybe he didn't know, Suga and Yoongi is the same person in BTS?" He throws his arms on my shoulder.

"Get of me."

He doesn't move at all when I said that, tch this idiot.

"Well you have to work hard because your face looks so ugly without makeup."

He quickly remove his hand.

"Just kidding, Yoongi-ah~" I said, wrapping my arms around his waist.

Hoshi's pov



she's joking right?

"Hyung? Hyuuuunnnggggg!"


"Are you okay?" Seungkwan asked me and Seokmin nods that he wanted to ask the same question.

I turn right and turn left. And look at the back, obviously I'm looking for Daea.

"She already left 15 minutes ago." Seokmin said.

I leave them without saying a word.



I go near them.

"Jagiya~" I pouted.

"Oh Soonyoung-ah. Wae?" She asked as she released the hug.

I grab her hand and take her away from that freaking guy that looks like Woozi.

"Yah Soonyoung, stop!"

I keep walking,without talking.

"Hoshi! I said stop!"

I push her into my room that I shared with Seokmin and Dino.

"The hell Hoshi."

I lock the door and look at her.

"Stop cursing, Daea."

She suddenly looks like she's slowly turning red.

I smirk.

"Aw my baby so cute." I messed up her hair but she still stand there without any movement.

"No need to be shy, Daea."

"A-are you mad?" she asked.

"Why should I?" I laughed.

She's playing with her fingers without looking at me.


Daea's pov

"But." He suddenly come near me.

As for me, I slowly took a step behind.

I didn't realised that my back already reached the wall.

Hoshi gives me that damn smirk.

I will kill him.

He traps me with his hands on the wall next to my head.

There's no distance between us. He went so close to me and I can feel his breathe near to my skin.

"But you made me jealous and that was bad. I should punish you because you were being a bad girl just now."

I gulp.

He was looking at my eyes just now but now his eyes moved to my lips.

God, save me

He leans in. Slowly.

I shut my eyes, waiting for it.


This is weird

I slowly open my eyes and guess what

He just freaking staring at me.

As I about to push him, he pulled me and we kissed.


Now, I with all of the Seventeen plus Yoongi.

They already know who Yoongi is because Dino told them.

And what's the most fun part is

At my right side is Hoshi and at my left is Yoongi.

After Hoshi and I kissed. We are totally awkward to each other because we almost make out but my twin brother knocked the door and yup he's ruined the moment.

"Why both of you look uncomfortable? Is there something happened?" Scoups asked.

"Yeah, both of you look so weird. When we're eating, Hoshi always being cute with you." Jeonghan said and give us that mother-look.

I know their names now because my twin brother always nagging that I need to know his friends' names.

Which is so hard at first to memorize who is this or what is his name again.

But now, it becomes the easiest thing to remember.

"I found them together in my room that I shared with Hoshi hyung and Seokmin hyung."

Thanks brother, thanks a lot.

Seokmin and Seungkwan look at us with those freaking pervert looks.

"WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Hoshi and I said it at the same time.

The others are laughing except for Mingyu.

"We didn't say anything." Wonwoo said, smirking.

Geez emo boi stop that

"I'm done." Mingyu suddenly said and leave.

"What's wrong with him? Not fun at all." Seungkwan said.

He still love me I guess

Dino's Twin? (Seventeen Imagine) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now