Chapter 21: Surprise

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Recap: "Alright surprise time." She sang. I sighed. "Close your eyes." She said. "Why?" I asked. "Just close them." She said. I sighed and closed them. I felt like and idiot standing in the middle of the park with my eyes closed. "Okay you can open them now." She said. I opened my eyes and gasped while smiling wide. "Surprise."

I stood there smiling before running up to him hugging him tightly. "I've missed you so much Jagi." He said hugging me tightly. I started crying at the sound of his voice. "Don't cry Jagi I'm here." He said comforting me. "I know." I said giggling. "They're happy tears Jimin." I added. He smiled. "I'm so happy to see my beautiful girl again." He said pushing my hair behind my ear. "By the way I like your hair. It suites you." He said. I smiled and looked down to my pink hair and giggled. "Thank you. Yours too although I have to say to do very much prefer the red." I said running my hands through his newly brownish hair. He smiled. I gasped. "You have to come with me." I said pulling on his hand. He laughed and followed me as I ran to my favourite place in the city. I smiled opening the door to starbucks and Jimin laughed. "Starbucks? Really?" He asked. I nodded and walked up to the counter and started speaking English. "Hey Band." Walter said. "Hey Walt." I said. "Caramel Macchiato and a carrot cake?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes please." I said smiling. "And who's the handsome boy behind you?" He asked. I smiled. "Oh this is Jimin. Jimin this is Walter. Or Walt for short." I said. "Cool name." Jimin said. "Ahh thank you." Walt said. Now would probably be a good time to mention that Walt can speak Korean as well as English. Like me. "So do she come here often?" Jimin asked tightly holding onto my hand. "Often? I can never get rid of her. She's always talking about you." Walt said laughing. I blushed. "Really?" Jimin asked looking at me. I blushed again fixing my beanie. "Oh Bandit did you get my present?" Walt asked. I shook my head. "No." I said. He smiled. "I gave it to your mum earlier as she came in here." He said. "Oh no she hasn't been back yet." I said. "Oh well you'll get it later then." He said winking. I felt Jimin's grip on my hand tighten. I looked to him. "Are you alright?" I asked him. Jimin shook his head. "No I'm not. I don't like the fact that you're flirting with him." He said in a hushed voice. I laughed. "It's fine we do it all the time." I said patting his shoulder. "Oh and that makes it alright does it?" He asked annoyed. "Jimin relax. He's gay. He likes boys." I said. Jimin's face flushed red. "Oh." He said looking down.

I laughed as Walter gave me my order and I sat in my usual booth but with Jimin. "Oh my gosh. Look the emo girls back." Sadie said. I groaned. "The emo girl has a name you know." Jimin said to her. "What?" Sadie asked obviously not understanding Jimin as he was speaking in Korean. "H-he didn't say a-anything." I told her. "He better of not." Sadie said. "Actually he said 'the emo girl has a name you know.'" Yoko one of Sadie's Korean friends said. I mentally facepalmed myself. "Oh really and what's that? Bitch? Emo? Slut?" Sadie asked getting in my face. I sat there and Jimin went to get up. "Don't. Just sit." I said in Korean. "What?" Sadie asked. I smirked and said some stuff in Korean that I shouldn't really repeat because they weren't exactly nice things. Sadie stood there bamboozled as I got up and walked out with Jimin. "Why did you call her those things?" He asked. "Because I knew she couldn't speak Korean." I said. He nodded. "She wasn't very nice." He said. "She's one of my 'bullies' since I moved back here Sadie and her friends started on me. But I don't really care." I said shrugging. I smiled as I took him to other places spending the full day with him.

"Do you have anywhere to stay tonight?" I asked him as we sat on the hill stargazing. "Not really." He said. I smiled. "You can stay with me." I said. "Your mum wont mind?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nope. She's hardly in anyways. Always visiting her sister, my auntie, Hazel with Angel while my dad's working." I said. "Oh is that why you came back?" He asked. I nodded. "Because Auntie Hazel got sick mum wanted us to move back here and I thought it was just until she got better y'know but apparently I'm stuck here until I'm 21." I said sighing. "21? Why 21?" He asked. "That's the minimum age my mum's letting me move out although as of next year I'll be legal to move out she doesn't want me to." I said. Jimin sighed and shook his head. I yawned and laid my head on his shoulder. "Tired boo?" He asked. I nodded. "C'mon I'll take you home." He said getting up and we walked home.

We got to the house and I opened the door and entered the house. I smiled as I walked up to my room. I stood outside my door. "Today was amazing." I said. "Apart from Sadie." He said. I nodded. "Yes apart from Sadie." I said giggling. "Goodnight." I said. "Goodnight." He replied before leaning in for a kiss which I gladly excepted before pulling away and going into my room. I smiled as I got ready and climbed into bed. A few minutes later Jimin walked into the room and climbed next to me wrapping his arms around me. "I've missed cuddling you like this." He whispered in my ear. "I missed this too." I said snuggling into him and falling asleep feeling safe, feeling whole.


Hello everyone so nice surprise for Bandit the girls brought Jimin over to visit Bandit. Yeye. I swear I got major feels writing this chapter. Well except for Sadie. (She's a bitch) Anywhoo hope you loved this chapter also Bandit's hair colour is up there as you can see it's another HeyThereI'mShannon pic as that's who portrays Bandit in this story.

Love you all


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