Chapter 2

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You guys been wondering what happens next? Prepare yourselves....=b


The sun beamed through the window pane, bathing the less-than-luxurious hotel room in a warm glow. In the distance, skyscrapers sparkled in front of the rising sun. Birds chirped away, and the dew on the grass gently slid down into the ever-changing earth.

Ah, what a relaxing morning.

Too bad it couldn't stay that way.

But back to my wonderful, immaculate, problem-free morning...

Me and Devi woke up to the blaring music of three iPods, a combination of Paramore's "Misery Business", Blake Shelton's "Honey Bee", and Katy Perry's "E.T". We're a lot more different from each other than alike.

While I got dressed in one of my favorite combos - comfy jeans, a t-shirt, hoodie, and sneakers, Devi, on the other hand, chooses ..."edgier" stuff, such as a pair of ripped jeans, graphic band t-shirt, plaid jacket, converse, and fedora. And you can just imagine Valery's typical outfit - colorful leggings, Indian - looking brown boots, a floral skirt, and a solid top to match her skirt. I don't know why I get up so early, it only takes maybe 20 minutes to get dressed, throw my auburn hair in a ponytail and headband, wash my face, brush my teeth, and get out the door. As a result with nothing to do, I'm left with the job of waking Val up. I'd rather be stuck in a cage with a hungry lion.

"C'mon Val, you gotta get up."  I said, shaking her arm.

"I don't wanna...just a few more minutes..." she mumbled back.

"Seriously, get up." I had no choice but to tear the sheets off the bed.

"Stop itttttt!" Val whined. I tried pulling her by her legs, but she just held on to the headboard. Frustrated, I let go. Looking over at Devi, we brought out Plan B.

"Okay Val, you've given us no choice. Go ahead, Devi." I said.


Val bolted out of the bed and charged at Devi, tackling her to the ground. "DID YOU TEAR MY SKIRT?!?!?, THAT WAS NOT ON SALE AND I WORKED ALL SUMMER FOR IT, AND BOY ARE YOU IN TROUB--what the heck is this?" she asked, holding up the scrap of cloth we brought that was now torn in two.

"Our back up plan!" Devi and I said before erupting into a fit of giggles.

"Ugh, I hate you guys!" she yelled, storming off to the bathroom. Me and Devi just laughed harder.

So, as you can see, it was a great morning.

I was really looking forward to going to the 2Day show. I love keeping up with the news, it's something to do in my early mornings. Me and my Grandma used to watch it every morning, when I went over to her house to catch the bus. She'd make me hot chocolate in the winter and popsicles in the summer, while we sat and watched her miniature t.v. Being able to see the show live in New York was amazing.

When we got off the bus at Rockefeller Plaza, the temperature from last night wasn't too different with today's. It was still pretty chilly, with small winds here and there. As we passed through the security, something was nagging at my fear nerves. Ah, it was probably just the excitement.

We had arrived about a third into the show, right when the lead story was coming on. There was a little t.v. on a cart set up for all of us to crane our necks at while the lead story, "Penny hits Ryleigh-May Corda, gets lodged in head".

Oh. My. God.

My heart began racing a mile a minute as the story was explained by the actress. Apparently, a penny that had fallen from a skyscraper hit famous actress Ryleigh-May Corda square in the head last night. The penny was lodged in her head, a little less that halfway into her dyed roots. The actress fainted after seeing the blood in her scalp. She was very lucky that a friend was nearby. Her friend had carried her to the hospital, where the penny was dislodged and  her beautiful golden mane was shaved in the wound area. She was stitched up immediately and was released in the early morning today.

As the interview progressed, I clung on to the tiniest bit of hope I had-the location. It still wasn't clear where this incident took place, and I was hoping they would keep it that way.

"So, where did this take happen?" asked the host, Jack Skoland.

"Just outside of the Rockefeller." Ryleigh-May said, wearing a fancy fedora to cover up her new "bald spot". Ryleigh-May Corda was the actress on one of those popular reality shows where the cameras follow you everywhere. She was always the crazy one who went out partying and drinking with friends, the one doing all the stupid and reckless stuff.

"Do you plan of finding out how the penny fell?" the host questioned.

"Definitely. I don't believe it was an accident, it has to be sabotage, I just know it." she replied in a very serious tone. Jack wrapped up the story and the weather then came on.

And so, this signaled the beginning of the end.


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BRI =)

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