Chapter 7: Night

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The sky was dark, almost free of stars and the moon was cloaked behind a thick layer of cloud, but Dewclaw couldn't care less. In fact, it could've been snowing or pouring with rain, there could even be a storm going on above his head and the dark grey tom wouldn't bat an eyelid. Why should he? Who cared if the weather was awful, if he was so tired he felt like his paws were going to fall off, he was on his way to see Redflower and that thought only kept him going.

He didn't even need to think about where he was going, he'd treaded this path so many times that he could practically make the journey in his sleep. It was always a bit of a distance, travelling all the way to the gathering island and back, and very risky, travelling through WindClan and RiverClan territory (he'd almost been spotted several times by patrols) but, in Dewclaw's opinion, it was worth it.

He almost didn't realise he'd reached the Tree-bridge, nearly wandering into the lake itself. Pawsteps light and steady, the thick-furred grey tom raced across the fallen tree that formed the bridge between the shore and the island. Dewclaw began to bound straight forwards when he reached the other side, bursting out of the undergrowth into the clearing, "Redflower!"

But the clearing was empty. Dewclaw frowned, that's not like Redflower to be lat-

The ThunderClan warrior was suddenly struck and pinned down, "Haha! I've got you this time!"

Dewclaw's heart was hammering in his chest, Great StarClan, I've been found. They've found me... What if I'm exiled from ThunderClan, what if- It suddenly hit him, heavy like a stone. He chuckled, relaxing.

"Get off me, you great lump," he purred softly, dark amber eyes bright with amusement, "You nearly frightened me out of my pelt, you ball of fur."

Redflower smirked, leaf-green eyes bright, meowing in mock surprise, "What? Dewy Claws, who's scared of nothing in the whole forest, was frightened by me?" she got up, allowing Dewclaw to breathe and rise to his paws, "Well, I suppose I am pretty fierce some, I can hardly blame you."

The dark grey ThunderClan warrior gave her a playful shove, "Oh, shut up."

The pretty dappled tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat purred brightly, grinning, "C'mon, let's go do something fun!" she began racing towards the Great Tree in the centre of the clearing, "I've always wondered what it's like to be a clan leader," she sprung up into the tree, landing easily on one of the lower branches, "C'mon Dewclaw!"

The dark grey tom's heart sank. Climbing trees? I... I can't do that. Mouse-dung, I can't let her know I have a fear-, no an 'intolerance' of heights, she'll never let me hear the end of it! He swallowed, stepping forward, "You know what, I'm quite tired, I think I'll just give it a miss, I'm... I'm not that good at climbing."

The dappled tortoiseshell-and-white warrior chuckled, "You're not very good at it? Some excuse," she snorted, then motioned with a flick of her tail, "C'mon, I'll show you, I'm a SkyClan warrior after all; climbing and leaping is what we do best," she meowed, puffing out her chest, her green eyes glowing with pride.

Dewclaw was still for a moment, staring up at the tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat, her gaze was so hopeful and bright, "Fine," he grunted, padding forwards, to the base of the great tree, but only for you Redflower, only for you.

Taking a gusty breath, he took a step back before racing forwards and, bunching his muscles, leaping up into the tree. For a moment he was in flight, halfway between the ground and the outstretched branch. Dewclaw forced himself to look up to Redflower, to not let his gaze drag back down to the ground. Don't think about it.

Warriors: Blue Moon Book #3: Eye of the StormWhere stories live. Discover now