Chapter 10: Icecloud's Death

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"Hey, Ambersky."

The pale grey-and-white she-cat had until then been completely focused on her own little world and trying to teach Featherkit, Tigerkit, Silverkit and Stonekit the hunter's crouch, which was going well to a certain degree, in that they were no longer tripping over their own paws and could actually hold the position for more than a heartbeat.

Ambersky didn't need to even glance up to recognise who'd spoken to her. Molespots. She immediately smiled, her heart lifting, "You four are looking great," she mewed encouragingly to the four young kits, "I think that concludes today's lesson, try and work on your balance, don't forget to use your tail, you have it for a reason!"

The kits nodded eagerly, eyes wide with awe. Tigerkit, Silverkit and Stonekit all scampered off back towards the Nursery, but Featherkit stayed rooted to the spot. She tipped her head to one side, studying Ambersky for a moment before letting her bright-eyed gaze drift to Molespots, "It's your mate!" she squeaked in delight.

Ambersky immediately ducked her head in embarassment, "Oh, uh, no, he's not my mate," she could feel her ears growing hot and she veiled her amber gaze, though I wish he was, "We're just friends, nothing more."

Featherkit tipped her head to one side, confusion flitting behind her gaze for a moment before shrugging it off, "If you say so!" she threw the words over her shoulder before racing over to join her littermates, who'd just started playfighting in the shade of the nursery.

Still shy from the whole situation, the pale grey-and-white she-cat at last turned to face Molespots. The spotted brown-and-cream tom had a glow in his soft amber gaze and he smiled fondly, "You're so good with kits," he purred, "You'll make a perfect mother someday, or at least a brilliant mentor."

Ambersky blinked, "Thank you," she mewed softly, pressing lightly against his side. Molespots grinned, amber eyes bright and pooling with warmth.

"You know," the spotted brown-and-cream tom began, flicking his tail-tip to her side lightly, "I've given Redpaw a break from training today, so if you like we can go on a walk?" he suggested, eyes glowing, "I was thinking we could head down to the lake and then do a little hunting on the way back?"

The pale grey-and-white she-cat beamed, "Of course, that'd be wonderful," she nuzzled the handsome tom affectionately, "Now?"

"Right now," he grinned, "Why not? No point wasting time, we only get one life, might as well make every moment count," their eyes met. For a moment, Ambersky simply held the contact, happily exploring the depths of his amber gaze; it was somewhat reassuring, somewhat comforting, his warm gaze, amidst all the troubles that had suddenly fell upon the clans. The twolgeplace cats, their threat of war.

She pushed the dark thoughts away. No, I won't let those sorry excuses for cats bother me. Might as well forget about them. There's a time for worrying about them, for fretting over everything and when I'm with Molespots is not one of those times.

She managed to smile, "Well, let's go then," she meowed brightly.

The spotted brown-and-cream tom nodded, shooting her a warm smile before rising to his paws and motioning with a flick of the head for her to follow as he began to pick his way across camp towards the thorn barrier.

The grey-and-white she-cat fell in beside the spotted warrior, their pelts brushing as they both ducked under the barrier and entered the forest. With the threat of the twolegplace cats, guards had been placed outside of camp during the day as well as the night and on duty this afternoon was Cherryflower and Mousewhisker.

Warriors: Blue Moon Book #3: Eye of the StormWhere stories live. Discover now