Chapter 12: Under Attack

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It was a calm, clouded dawn. The spotted brown-and-cream tom was one of the only few to be experiencing it, the rest of ThunderClan were safely tucked away in their nests, sleeping soundly, guarded by dreams. But Molespots couldn't bring himself to just sleep and ignore the world around them. Though it was quiet and still now, there was definitely a storm on the way.

Besides, the brown-and-cream tom couldn't just put off today. Dawn had broken and with it, a new day had come, Molespots was just embracing it. Yet he couldn't help but feel a sickening feeling deep in his heart. Today was certainly no ordinary day, today was the day that had been decided for himself and Foxleap to set out to seek information about Night and his cats, The Watchers.

From where he was sat, perched high on a ledge just adjacent to the high-ledge, there were usually open views over the lake and the mountains, but today, things were quite the opposite. Rain was falling lightly, but there was a rather threatening streak of dark storm clouds just above. A thick mist had settled over the forest and visibility was low.

It may not have been the best view and it may have been raining slightly, but Molespots was still quite content sitting where he was. As he gazed out over the ThunderClan camp, he ran through his head what Bramblestar had discussed with himself and Foxleap, the plan for the twolegplace cats.

He and the reddish tabby tom would try and follow a scent trail that Night and his cats had left to find where they were based. Then they were going to declare that they wished to join the twolegplace cats, that they thought the clans had made the wrong decision in not handing the lake over. Every couple of days, they'd meet fellow clanmates at a designated meeting spot to share any information they'd uncovered. It was a rather simple plan, but with luck it would be enough to fool the Watchers.

This is for the good of my clan, he tried to assure himself, to protect my family, my friends, Ambersky... He just hoped everything went to plan.

His gaze skimmed the horizon for a moment and he took a deep breath, drinking in the damp, morning air. For a further few moments, he continued to gaze out over the world absently, until the roll of pebbles and the soft thud of pawsteps alerted him he had company.

Ambersky was carefully picking her way up the cliff face, leaping from ledge to ledge, towards the ledge where Molespots sat calmly. Her face was screwed up in concentration and from her jaws swung the limp body of a squirrel.

The spotted tom instinctively moved forwards to guide her onto the ledge. With great caution, the pale grey-and-white warrior climbed onto the ledge, Molespots nudging her to her paws, a smile naturally forming upon his face and his heart warming, "You okay there, Amber?" he mewed playfully.

The pale grey-and-white she-cat had begun dusting herself off, giving a flick of her head. The pretty, young she-cat looked as though about to speak when she remembered the prey in her jaws. She carefully set the squirrel down before grumbling, "You have to sit in the most awkward places, don't you?"

Molespots chuckled lightly, a purr rumbling in his chest, "That looks like a fine squirrel there," he commented, motioning towards it, "Did you catch it?"

Ambersky rolled her eyes, "If you want the squirrel, just go and say it," amusement flickered behind her gaze for a moment, "It's for you anyway, mouse-brain," she nosed it towards him, "You need to be strong for today," she tossed a brief glance over her shoulder before adding, "Oh, and Jayfeather said he had some herbs for you and Foxleap."

"I'll go see him before we leave," he replied, "Thanks," his gaze drifted back to the squirrel, "Come on, let's share it, I don't have a huge appetite this morning," he dipped his head graciously, offering for Ambersky to go first.

Warriors: Blue Moon Book #3: Eye of the StormWhere stories live. Discover now