Chapter 15

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I'm so sorry for the long delay!

You guys are super good at guessing stuff. Quite a few of you managed to work out what was going to happen in your PMs, I think I might be making things too obvious. ;-;

Disclaimer - I don't own Warriors


Out of all the cats that fought in the battle, Snowfall had been one of the unlucky ones. The twolegplace cats had fought much better than expected and in the midst of battle, the small white tom had found himself facing a greatly larger opponent than him. It didn't help that Snowfall had never been particularly gifted in battle.

Though his condition wasn't critical, the white tom had definitely received one of the worst injuries of all the cats who'd fought, emerging from the battle with a scarred pelt and a dislocated leg. Although Leafpool had clicked it back into place, it still hurt desperately and Snowfall was unable to put any weight on it, so, much to his dismay, he'd been forced to stay in the medicine cat's den until he'd healed.

Being completely hopeless and lying in his nest most of the day, the white tom was taken back to the border skirmish with ShadowClan so many moons before. He never seemed to have much luck in battle.

It'd only been two days since the battle, but the white tom had already been visited by Ambersky, Seedflight, Lilystream and his parents. Unsurprisingly, however, Dewclaw hadn't yet shown his face. The fluffy, white tom doubted the dark grey tom even knew his wounds had taken him to the medicine cat's den.

Dewclaw hadn't spoken to Snowfall at all since their argument and though the words that the dark grey tom had hurled at him still stung bitterly, all he wanted was to talk to his brother. He didn't want to argue with the grey tom, perhaps they could talk things out? Snowfall, if anything, just wanted to apologise. Perhaps Dewclaw had over-reacted slightly, but the white tom had come to realise there were truths to his brother's words. In the end, it was up to Dewclaw to make his own decisions and choose his own path, Snowfall had intruded too much in his brother's life. It didn't quite excuse Dewclaw's reaction though.

The long-haired white tom sighed, resting his head on his paws. Leafpool was out checking on the kits and queens whilst Jayfeather was out collecting herbs, so he was quite alone in the medicine cave. Pebblepaw had spent the first night in the medicine cat's den, but Leafpool had given him the all clear to return to the Apprentices' Den the previous evening, though the apprentice was off duties for half a moon.

Dawn light pooled into medicine cave, filling it with warm, golden light. Making sure to not put any strain on the leg which he'd dislocated, the white tom sat up a little, embracing the sun's warmth on his pelt. He gave a slight purr, feeling a glow ripple through him as the warmth seeped into his battle-weary limbs. He'd not slept at all that night, so his whole body was aching, both from exhaustion and pain. Instead, he'd spent the night tossing a moss-ball about (when everyone was asleep, so no one would see it) and peering out through the cave entrance and up at the moon and stars. Despite the fact that he'd been unable to sleep, it had been a rather peaceful night, but he was paying the price now as he struggled to comprehend the world around him.

His stomach growled at him, but the white tom couldn't grasp the effort to get some prey from the fresh-kill pile. Eyelids fluttering shut, Snowfall decided to try and see if he could sneak a little sleep now, though he highly doubted it.

Waiting for sleep to take him away, the white tom listened to the sound of his heart beating. It was incredible how, no matter what, his heart kept beating, consistent and never-ending. Occasionally it would stray from its normal rhythm, but it would always return to that same regular beat. He couldn't help but admire it.

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