summer blues

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Ashton's outfit above <3

I park my SUV next to a familiar car and hop out. I'm surprised when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my neck and hold me tight. But I know exactly who this is so I wrap my arms around her slim waist. "Hey M." I say to the smaller girl, beaming infront of me. "Hai ho" she says to me.

Monroe, my besfriend in this entire planet, we only met a couple of months ago when she transferred here from the US, but we hit it off immediately. I took a liking to her when we met in music when she was slaying on the drums. People in school thought we were dating but we were more like siblings.

"So what'd you do all Summer?" I ask excitedly.

"Slept, ate pizza, visited the fam in NY, kicked Mikey's ass at FIFA. Same old. What about you? How was London? " She links our arms together as we strolled into school.

"Promise you won't judge?"

"I'm judging you for thinking I'd judge you." She poked my shoulder. "Now give me the deets you boob."


6 weeks ago
This city is beautiful. I love coming to the UK. The lights, the artifacts, the mesmerizing scenery, watching the rain trickle from the sky from the warmth of my room. From the hotel I could see the grand old clock they call 'Big Ben' and I watched at it struck twelve. My family was sound asleep in their rooms of this modern suite.

Feeling peckish I lazily strolled into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. Unfortunately, plans for a midnight feast were ruined due to the lack of food stocked in the fridge. So I figured I'd stroll the streets of London to find a place to take away my hunger. Forgetting I was only suited in my underwear I went to the front door before retracing my steps to find some clean clothes. My room that was shared with my brother Jack was grand indeed. The modern fitting was suited to my every need. The temporary bed was probably the most comfiest I've ever rested my blonde head on.

I scanned through the drawers and found a pair of black skinnies, throw them over my boxers and settle with a maroon 'IDIOT' hoodie my mum bought me for Christmas and dressed my feet in red Converse. I tiptoed around the apartment in hopes I didn't wake up anyone, we had a long flight and I didn't want to be inconsiderate.

I was out in the lobby waiting for the elevator to arrive. What? We're on the top floor. These feet weren't made for trudging down the stairs at this time of night.

I smiled at the receptionist who looked so done with his job and walk out into the night sky. I glance both ways and decided my left would take me to an alleyway. This face is much to hot for dark alleyways. I turned to the right where I was blinded by florescent lights so I assumed that was where the lively part of the city was. I walked past Kebab shop after Kebab shop hoping to find a Pizza Hut or something where I collided with an approaching figure. 'Oh crap, I'm so sorry Miss.'' I apologized to the poor lady I almost knocked down and helped pick up her belongings that had fell out of her bag and on to the ground.

As I handed her her lipstick our eyes met for the first time. ''Oh it's okay'' A deeper voice than I expected assured me. The stranger stared into my deep blue eyes with hazel ones and at first I was in shock when realizing that this person was infact, a bloke. But he looked so.... Pretty. Surely I was wrong. ''Are you okay?'' I asked so I could hear his/her voice again. ''Yes.'' He giggled. Yup definitely a dude. That giggle sent butterflies through my stomach although I didn't know why because this person was a guy NOT a girl. You like boobs and vagina, Luke. Boobs and V-A-G-I-N-A, I told myself.

''Um, you're staring.'' The smaller boy informed with another giggle which made me want to kiss.. Wait no. ''Sorry'' I stuttered, suddenly feeling nervous in his presence. He replied with ''It's cool. I'll be going now. Thanks for helping me pick up my things.''

I felt the need to know more about this boy, like why is he dressed like a girl? and why do I wanna taste the flavor of his lipgloss so badly. ''Wait.'' I called him back as he walked away. I was so going to regret this. He turned around and we walked together, side by side where he was leading me to a near by pizza parlour. Once he had walked back toward me I told him that I had to at least buy him a snack or something to make up for bumping in to him and he reluctantly agreed to it.

We walked to '24 hour Pizza' a grungy looking restaurant with only a few tables and chairs. He sat down in front of me and began skimming through the menu. ''You're staring again.'' With another. fucking. giggle. I snapped out of my thoughts and grabbed a spare menu for myself. ''What would you like?'' I asked.

''I was thinking I could just share with you? I don't wanna waste your money. I don't eat that much anyway.'' He grins at me.

''Sure. Cajun Chicken Sizzler okay?'' He nods in reply and i walked up to the counter to order and pay before walking back to the table. I held out my hand in introduction, ''I'm Luke by the way.''

''Ashton.'' He smiled politely at me and shook my hand weakly.

''So I don't wanna come across rude...''


''Do you want to, like be a girl?''

''I just like looking pretty, what's wrong with that?''

''Absolutely nothing, infact I like, I like alot.'' I surprised myself.

The Pizza arrived and i dug in, Ashton however looked at me admiringly and his eyes darted towards his empty plate and then to the pizza. Getting the hint I shoveled up a piece and placed it on his plate for him. He smiled in thanks and took light nibbles. This is so good.'' I said with a mouthful, how ungentlemanly of me. Ashton shot me a disgusted glare but then shook it off and guess what he did? Giggled. If he had done it once more the butterflies in my stomach were going to explode inside of me. We finished our foot and I walked the English boy out of the parlour, opening the door to let him walk out infront of me. ''Thank you.'' He beamed and walked out ahead with a wiggle in curvaceous hips. Not that I was watching or anything.

This kid was interesting to say the least. There was this part of me that wanted to know every inch of his life. His dreams and aspirations, his goals, his wishes what he looked out with out clothes on.. Stop Luke. I wanted it all, which surprised me because I assumed I was straight. Maybe I was sick. Maybe I had a temporary bug named Asthonitis. But if I was sick I wasn't sure if I would ever want to be cured. This was different and I kind of liked it.

The boy let me walk him home, his house was larger probably larger than my entire neighborhood. ''Nice'' I whistled as we approached his gate. ''The house, yeah my Mum owns her own business.'' He smiled sweetly.

''I wasn't talking about the house.'' I winked and his cheeks turned red, he looked down to the ground hiding his blushing face from me. I placed my finger under his chin and lifted his face so his eyes met mine.

''I'll pick you up at eight pm.'' I said with unexpected confidence. Before he could say anything I kissed his foundation covered cheek and ran back towards my hotel.

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