Chapter 3

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I quickly hurried down the hallway following the rest of the interns. My face was burning up and I realized that I was blushing! I put my head down and caught up to the rest of the interns. Dr. Bailey was speaking and I quickly tuned in. "For now, you all will be keeping your personal belongings in these lockers. There is a pair of scrubs and a lab coat within each locker. Hurry up and change and meet me in the front lobby in 10 minutes. Get ready to get your hands working!"

We all hustled into the locker room and quickly changed. I put on the light blue scrubs over my purple long sleeve. I slipped on my lab coat and walked to the lobby.

When we got there I looked around. There was attendings standing everywhere. I became nervous instantly and pushed my glasses back up the bridge of my nose. I didn't want to look for the beautiful Dr. Avery, I couldn't. I couldn't get distracted now, and anyways, he probably could care less about an intern.

"This is where all of you will be tested to see what you know from medical school. Three of you will be placed among each of these attendings and you will follow them around all day and take care of any needs they ask. You will learn their patients cases and help diagnose them. Be prepared, we're not going to take it easy on you" said Dr. Bailey

I looked around and wondered who I could be paired up with for interns. I wondered what type of attending I will be put with. I hope I get put in general surgeon, it's my strongest suit.

I was pulled out of my concentration thought when Dr. Bailey started to speak again. "Mary Goldburn, George Potter, and Isaac Heater, you will be with Dr. Shepard in Nuerology for the rest of the week."

I put my head down and looked at the floor waiting for my name to be called.

" Noah Lockwood, Trisha Conroy, and Stephanie Edwards..."

I suddenly looked up and looked around to my fellow interns. My eyes wandered to the attendings left standing, I didn't see Dr.  Avery and took a deep breath. I know that he's beautiful but I don't think I'm ready for his section yet.

"You all will be with Dr. Avery today. He's currently in room 32E with a patient. You will meet him there as your first case. Good luck!"

I swallowed hard and pushed my glasses back. I dropped my jaw slightly in disbelief and followed Noah and Trisha to the elevator to the 3rd floor.
I took a deep breath and smoothed down my hair. I finally became relaxed.

Then suddenly the elevator doors opened and there stood the beautiful Dr. Avery.

My palms became sweaty and Noah and Trisha said hello. I stood in the back of the elevator and waited to move.

Dr. Avery smiled and said " I assume you're my interns. Welcome to your first day on the job. I'm a plastic surgeon and you will keep tabs on all my patients for the entire week. And you're about to meet your first one right now. Please follow me."

I took a deep breath and pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose. I followed a smiling Trisha and Noah out of the elevator and down the hallway following right behind Dr. Beautiful's foot steps.

"This is Sarah Mckeever. She's in here to get a rhinoplasty, said Dr. Avery, and she also has lost the cartilage in her septum because she was botched last procedure."

"That Doctor wasn't very good and maybe because it was my dentist but, you live and you learn." said Sarah with a laugh.

Everyone let out a light laugh.

"We'll perform her surgery at 3pm today and you guys will not help with fixing her nose, but you can scrub in to watch. We want to be sure no one messes up your nose again" Dr. Avery says with a chuckle.

"Thank you so much! I'm really excited to stop looking like a fish" said Sarah.

I look at Dr. Avery and he's smiling his perfect smile and he quickly looks at me. I shift my focus to the floor and follow him out to the hallway.

"Next, I need you guys to check up on my post-ops. Here's all their charts and you guys can each take three. I will meet you in OR 2 for our 3pm surgery. "

I cracked a light smile and waited for the labs to be handed out. Noah and Trisha immediately took their labs and ran to the elevator with great excitement, smiling. I waited patiently to gather mine.

"You know, you should really speak more often, patients really like knowing that you're confident because it makes them feel comfortable and trusting" said Dr. Avery.

I looked up

"I'm just shy is all, it will come."

He chuckled, "I'm sure it will, in the mean time, here are your labs and I'm trusting you with my forbidden patient. He means a lot to me so I'm trusting you to keep him healthy. "

I look at the charts and realize that one of them is a 7 year child that needs to get 2 hand grafts in order to perform art again. I almost teared up, for I have a soft spot for little children.

"I promise to keep him stable. Kids are too precious and full of color and imagination to let them go."

I look up and I see Mr. Perfect smiling at me and staring at me intensely with his crystal green eyes.

"Haha there's more about you then people know. Show it off sometimes and thank you, I'm hoping when I check on him he's at 110%" said Dr. Avery.

And with that, I left to go to the 4th floor.


Wow, Ms. Edwards is quite real and different. She realized the patients thoughts and the amount of color and difference in the world. She also seems to love children wick is one of my favorites. I love them so much  and hope to have a grand family someday. I like that about her. It will definently help her stand out and be successful in the medical field.

She just needs some more confidence. She needs to be strong. She needs to believe in herself. She does look cute though when she pushes her glasses back up the bridge of her nose and looks at the ground all nervous.

I walk to the desk to have the nurse put a file away for me when I realize I'm smiling. I've been smiling this entire time that I've thought about Ms. Edwards. Wow.

I bite my lip and start to walk away when Dr. Bailey walks past me.
"Why the hell are you smiling? You just got stuck with some new interns" she said with some sass.

"Nothing I was just thinking about a song that one of my patients was singing and it just made me happy."

She knows that I'm lying but I'm not going to tell her it's because I was thinking about the beautiful Ms. Edwards being shy.

She squints her eyes at me to make a challenging look like she's going to figure it out. She mumbles a "sure" and walks away with her interns following.

I laugh and crack a smile as she walks away and look at the pen that I'm playing with in my hands. I lean back on the counter of the desk and look up and say: "This is going to be a long day."

And with that, I push off the counter and walk away to my next patient on the 3rd floor being a happy man. Gosh I love this hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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