Chapter 2:

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~Nicola’s POV~

When they left, I got up off my chair and made my way upstairs with the rest of the kids. When I reached my room, I hopped in bed and fell into a dream.


“C’mere you little bitch!” My father screamed from down the hall. I was currently trying to escape another one of his drunk beatings. I suddenly felt the collar of my shirt be yanked back as I fell to my fathers feet.

“Look who we have here, trying to escape.” He slapped me across the cheek and dragged me to his bedroom. He locked the door and tied me to the bed. I knew what he was capable of so I stayed as silent and as still as I could. He bend down and whispered into my ear,

“You made the love of my life leave me. All because of YOU!” He slapped me once more before he grabbed a knife out of his back pocket and slashed my back, making a big X in the middle of my spine, to match the other scars that would permanently be there.

I woke up in my bed at the orphanage as Miss Delilah and Harry came running in.

“Babygirl are you alright!?” Harry ran to me. I expected him to slap or attack me like my father did, but all he did was embrace me in a hug. He placed me on his lap and I cried into his chest.

“Shh its okay Nicola, im here! You are coming home with me, I will keep you safe. Shhh…” Harry whispered into my ear as I fell asleep once more.


I woke up in a mans lap in a car. I gasped and started shaking with fear of my old daddy.

“Nicola? Sweetheart are you alright? You are awake now?” I heard a familiar voice say to me.

I looked up to see harry, the guy from the orphanage. He must have adopted me. I looked around to see all the others looking at me. We were in a big van I noticed.

“We are on our way to the airport baby girl so we can get onto an airplane and go home!” Louis said to me excitedly.

Planes? No!! Me hated planes! Me was scared! The tears came again and I started shaking. I clutched onto Harry’s t-shirt in fear.

“Nicola whats wrong? Tell me babygirl…” Harry whispered to me.

“I..I is afwaid of pwanes….” (A/N- She said ‘I am afraid of planes’)

“We got you Nicola, we won’t let anything happen to you! Planes are fun! That’s our private plane so we can go home in London!” Liam pointed to a big plane as we entered the airport parking lot.

~Liam’s POV~



We finally got out of security and were heading for the doors, trying to get through the crowd of fans and paparazzi asking questions like

“Is she Eleanor’s child?”

“Who is the little girl?”

“Zayn! Is it true that you are really 40 years old!?!?”

We all chuckled at that one. How do they think of these questions?

I was currently cradling Nicola in my arms, she watched Toy story with me all the way here so we have gotten some time to bond. But of course Nicola woke up to all the screaming and flashes, so we had to rush to the van, trying not to scare her even more.

We all piled into the van with our stuff and we looked at our frightened daughter.

She had tears streaming down her face and she clutched onto my chest for safety. I tried to calm her down, but I was failing. She was obviously very scared!

“I HAVE AN IDEA!” Louis screamed, which made Nicola hold on tighter. Louis started dancing to some song that he had on his phone. What a weird child he is!

Nicola started giggling at Louis dancing and singing, and we all joined in.

By the time we got to the flat, Nicola forgot completely about being scared. We opened the door and we all piled out.

Nicola stared at the big building in front of her. Her big blue eyes never leaving it.

“Do you like it?” Niall asked

“YES!!!! I LOVE IT!” Nicola screamed. She grabbed our hands and ran to the door.

“WELCOME HOME!!” We all screamed, which made her flinch.

“Do you want me to show you around?” Zayn asked, grabbing her hand.


~Nicola’s P.O.V~

Me and Zayn made our way up the big stairs. Once we got to the top, we were in a big hallway full of doors. One door said -N I A L L-  the one across from it says –Z A Y N-  the doors continued to say –L O U I S- ,       -L I A M- and them –H A R R Y-

“This is Daddy Niall’s room, my room, Daddy Louis’ room, Daddy Liam’s room and Daddy Hazza’s room.” Zayn said, pointing to each door. “You and daddy Hazza have to share a room while we get your room ready. The bathroom is right there, that’s a closet, and that is your future room.” Zayn said, pointing to a door at the end of the hallway.

“We made dinner come and eat!” Liam yelled from downstairs.

“I’ll show you your room after dinner, Kay?” Zayn grabbed my hand and led me downstairs to the table and placed me in a chair. In front of my was a big plate with lots of spaghetti on it and garlic bread beside it. No no no! I can’t eat all this!!! It’s too much of a difference than the small amounts of food we got back at the orphanage. I didn’t say anything though, I just silently ate my food while the boys laughed; but Niall kept looking at me…

~Nialls P.O.V~

I kept sneaking glances at Nicola from where I was. She had her head down and ate slowly and quietly. She was about ¼ done her dinner when she pushed her plate away.

“Nicola, you need to eat more.” Liam said sternly.

“I’m full LiLi…” She gave him her puppy dog eyes that put his to shame. His face softened and we all aww’d. She was truly special to us and we were so lucky to have her. Even in this short time I already love her! Like a daughter of course..


Second chappie yay!! I got a few reads and voted on the last chapter so i decided to update. No comments yet tho :(

I decided ill probably update every sunday and MAYBE wednesday too so look out for that! See ya soon my lovelies!




~Macertoplutoandback !! xx :)

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