Chapter Six: Things Pick Up

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"Man, it's huge!" Jamie exclaimed, pointing to the impossible-to-miss boat before them.

A massive container ship was docked just outside the warehouse, a group of men were tying the ship to the dock with massive ropes, it was absolutely huge.

Quinn continued gawking as a man wearing a blue windbreaker with graying hair walked over, his face was covered in a light stubble but Quinn could tell from his blue eyes that he was a man they could trust.

"Aye there! You're the passengers that'll be boarding my baby here?" he asked, holding out a hand to Vanth, the demon took it. The captain said nothing about his horns, maybe he was in on it?

"That we are." Vanth answered. It was odd, the Captain's jolly nature against Vanth's stoic personality.

"Up to Nova Scotia are ya? We're stopping at a shipyard down in Halifax, that close enough?" the Captain asked, removing his hat.

"We're going to Cape Breton, but yes, that's fine." Vanth replied.

Halifax? Nova Scotia? Quinn had no idea where any of those places were. Thankfully Jamie leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"It's a place up in Canadian country, the only reason I know it exists is because I once had an Uncle that visited there for the summer." he said, matter-of-factually.

"Canada? Don't we need like...passports or something?" she asked, Vanth looked back.

"I've got it handled." he said simply, she thought she saw a ghost of a smirk on his face. The captain chuckled.

"You guys can hop aboard, that man in the red hat there will show ya to where you'll be staying. This isn't a pleasure cruise, but we don't live in a dump." With a chuckle, him and several other crew headed towards the warehouse.

Vanth led the small group of demons towards the ship, seemingly in a rather good mood...for Vanth anyway.

"I've never seen so much water..." Jamie mused, standing at the very front of the ship, staring down as the metal hull plowed through the waves with an avid fascination in his eyes.

"Don't lean too far over, you'll fall." Quinn remarked, standing a good five feet from the nearest railing.

"Come look." he urged, leaning over the edge.

"I'm good..." she wrapped her arms around herself, shivering a bit against the sharp wind.

"I'm gonna go grab my sweater...i'll be right back." she said, jogging towards the stairs to go below decks.

She went inside and sprinted down the stairs, not wanting to leave Jamie unattended for too long. She jogged down the hall until she reached the end of the corridor and ducked inside her small room where she left her single bag of belongings earlier, snatching up the old zip-up sweater and pulling it on.

On her way back to Jamie, she heard someone talking on the phone inside one of the rooms along the right wall. She tried ignore the voice, but she couldn't help stopping to see who it was, her curiosity getting the better of her.

She paused just for a second outside the ajar door, hearing Vanth inside.

"...He did WHAT!?" he yelled, furious about...something.

Quinn flinched at the fury in his voice. He was silent for a moment, seething.

"...Send someone. I need to get there now..." he growled, pacing the room.

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